Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Card and A Bookmark

Hi Everyone; hope u are all enjoying ur Sunday... Very HOT in my part of Cali.. I wanted to share a card and a bookmark that I made. I love how I have been trying all these different type of card making and projects. It's still funny to me ( kind of any ways :-) how sometimes I can just sit and make a card, and other times it takes me HOURS. I know what I want and the concepts of the cards, but sometimes I just sit moving back and forth form on side of my desk to the other and "Nothing", then of course as soon as I get over what every it is, I get the card done and say why didn't I do that 3 hours ago... LOL. just a point to ponder.???? Any ways after some more heisting with my self. I made the card with detachable book mark. I used the same image from Design2Delight last project I just LOVE the set and wanted to use it for a birthday gift for a friend of mine. I want to say that I saw the instruction for this card on "splitcoaststampers"

Card stock: PTI, DP: We R Memory, Image:Design2Delight (tweetfriends) colored with:Prisma & OMS Nesti: Circle and Scallop, Punch:Martha Stewart, Ribbon: Michael's

 Saturday Challenge-#89 Strawberries & Cream
Digi Doodle Shops Best-#13 Anything goes
Doodle Place-Red, Green & White


Friday, June 25, 2010


Happy Friday: hope everyone is in high spirit and looking forward to a FAB weekend. I am having a great day so far. I got to do a little card coloring and making today. Such a Funny story just now.. "I am sitting in the living room at my craft table and I look up and see the UPS truck stopping in front of our house.. now my DH was sitting on the couch so he could not see BUT the dogs started to bark so he asked " who pulled up so I said "omm the UPS truck, so right away he asked "what did u order now" he knows me soo well LOL.. any ways it was  my order from Custom Crops. I will share what I got a little later, maybe on my next post..But it was so funny that I got BUSTED and could not deny it. (luckily my DH is a "little understanding" of my crafting :-)
I want to share my first "Gate Fold card" with u. ( I have been really stepping out side my comfort zone lately!!!. I have several images from the Stamping Boutique and so I waned to pull one out and give it a try. they have this GREAT  line call "Jennifer Latte". I colored her with my prisma and OMS and outlined with my Sakura gell pen.  and for the inside I used a sentiment from Create with TLC (she has the best sentiment and always dishing out "freebies") I hope u enjoy :-)

Card stock: PTI, DP (?? Michael's),Nesti: Labels, stamp: PTI,Ribbon: Oriental Trading,Punch:Martha Stewart.

Paper Sundaes-#23 Pretty as a Princess

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My First Joy Fold Card

Hello everyone I wanted to share my first attempt at a Joy-fold card. very easy to make and lots of fun making it. I wanted to give it a try with my challenge for Design2Delight challenge this week. I have to thank Faith for a wonder Stamp Set this week she not only gave an awesome image she also included a set of sentiment. I hope u enjoy my card.

Card Stock: PTI, DP: Heidi Grace "A Birds Tale", Image was colored with:Prisma Pencils and OMS & Sakura gell pen, Bird House:Cricut "Stretch Ur Imagination"


Sunday, June 20, 2010

A late Post

I hope that all the fathers and dads, and granpa' s had a wonderful and Blessed Fathers day. We don't get to show them how much we appreciate them so it's great to have a day just to reflect on all the great things they do for us.I know this is a little (ok a lot) late :0) I just wanted to share two more images that I just purchased from Mo's Digital Stamps. I just love her images and every time I think I found the cutes one she just comes out with another one just a little bit cutter!!1 I have made it clear that I am a HUGE LAKERS fan, it it the one sport where my husband, my son and I sit down and just enjoy it. Nothing was better that watching the Final game 7. WOW is as nice as a word that I can share, it was one of the BEST game played in a long time. So to celebrate them and their BACK TO BACK victory and in Honor of their parade that is taken place tomorrow I had to share this image.

CPS- #172 Sketch
Fairy Fun Friday-Week #24 A Fathers Day Card

This one is My Most Favorite Card.. I love love it, and reading some of the comments so do a lot of u.. everyone said just what I said. "it reminds me of my younger son and daughter. He is the big brother and she is the little sister.. The Sentiment is from Create with TLC. if u have not been to her blog u should take a look. she has the best sentiment. (for me it's hard to find just the right words some times!!) OHH please look at her "teddy bear" my first attempt with my "Fun Flock".


DPS#36=Dry Embossing
Crazy4Challenge-#42-Paper Flower
Cute Card Thursday-#117 Sketch


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Delightful Inspiration

Here is my card for this week's Design2Delight challenge. I had fun coloring this little guy, I used my prisma and OMS to color gave him a little sparkle cupcake. I LOVE this paper pack I have used it before on another birthday card. what I love was that i was so many different colors but they all worked soo good together. I hope u like it. I am going to take the rest of my evening to relax .

Card stock:bazzill, DP:Oriental trading,Ribbon:making memory,Nesti:oval Stamp:PTI

Camp Time!!!

Hello everyone. I spent most of my day driving my son and daughter up to their summer camp. It was a long trip to the canyon of Malibu Calif. (not to mention they where doing street work on the only "two way rd" of the canyon, but we made it back and they are safely at camp and I know that they are enjoying them self's. The Campers will not be there for another week or soo , this week is training  for them's just about them getting to know each other and the rules and policy of the camp. As soon as they got their, friends, that they had not seen since last summer came up to the car to greet them. It was AWESOME!!!

I know that this will be a great summer for them, Know I have to make a couple of special days for my younger too, Lynette will be asking for her sister in a few days and they will both be out of school next week. they are closing school a little late this year, last year tomorrow would have been the last day!!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where will I Bee without You

I wanted to show off this CUTE new digital stamp that I got from Scrappychic17. Larisa just launched her new stamp company called "Park Ave Stamps" this line is called "Bee Attitude".  (love the lips. they remind me of my own) Please head over to her blog and check them out. Along with the stamp I finally got a chance to use my "delicious" blog candy that I WON "Touch Of Creations".  I LOVED every thing I got in my package.Thank You Piali !!!:0).
I made this card for one of my Besti Erica she is my 'EAR'. when I need to vent.

Card stock: Bazzill, DP: Crate Paper, Image: Park Ave Stamps colored with Prisma and Sakura gell pens,Nesti: oval, prima flowers, dew drops.
Stampavie and More-Challenge #99 Sketch


I have a couple of Challenges

 Hello everyone; I have been busy getting my son and daughter ready for their summer jobs. They leave tomorrow and will be gone for 7 weeks. My daughter will be a Jr. Camp counselor and my son will be working in the kitchen and helping with the boy campers. They are booth excited I think they have spent the last week packing,, Only 2 years ago they were both campers them self's :0). Please keep them in ur prayer that they will have the best time but more important that they will be able to share and learn as they continue to build their relationship with the Lord!!

My first card is an Easel card, I had made this card for the challenge over at DP2 (Mo's digital), but I did not get a chance to upload. It is a father's day card, I colored with my prisma and oms I cut out with my nesti.

Stamptacular Sunday Challenge-#63 Tribute to Fathers
Stamping Sister N Christ-#43 Fathers day Card

Monday, June 14, 2010

My First Magnolia

Happy Monday my friends; this week my two oldest will be heading off to their summer job, working at a summer camp for the next 6 weeks.For my daughter it is her 2nd year working and for my son it's his FIRST he is more excited and nervous, but looking forward to making his own money.. lol. Love the fact that they are growing into their own Independence's. For me I am happy that they will be together, for my daughter it was hard being away from home when she first got their but as time went on she got better.
I purchased a couple of Magnolia's stamps a few months ago, but have never played with them. I think i am a little intimidated with her. I think she is one of the cutes images out there (I love her little afro)and seeing the sites and blogs with her I am not the only one that feels like that. So to continue to step out my comfort zone I decided to give it a go. So here she is below I hope u like it.

Images: Magnolia: colored with prisma and Sakura gel pen,Card stock: PTI,DP, S.e.i (Michaels),Flowers (my own made glitter mist), ribbon, pearls.
CardPatterns-Sketch 86

Happy Crafting,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A World Cup Challenge

Hello everyone; I hope you are all enjoying ur weekend so far.We had a bit of the June gloom, but it was a good day. I saw this challenge over at Catch The Bug and I wanted to play along. We are all celebrating the World cup and all the excitement that comes with it. I can not say that I am a soccer fan, but my DH is. Even though in Jamaica (that is where he is from) and most of the rest of the world they call it "football". Me my self am a Basketball fan and most of all a LAKER fan. ( yes we are going to WIN the world championship this year as well.This is a color challenge  to Celebrate ur Country or favorite sport with their colors. My card celebrates BOTH in one. I used the Soccer Boy and colored him Purple & Goldusing my Prisma and OMS  I cut out the Soccer Net/Goal with my "cricut" EDPD, the card stock is from Bazzill, I don't know the name or brand of the DP it came in a scrapbook kit along with the stickers. I think it came out pretty good. I really have to study my camera and all the function that comes with it.. tonight I just touched a button and got a much better and crisper picture that I had taken before:-).

Hope u Enjoy & Happy Crafting

Friday, June 11, 2010


Hello everyone; what a difference a day make, yesterday I posted that I had not been in any type of crafting mood for a couple of days. I have had soo much going on in the past week to two weeks it has been a little crazy, ( a lot crazy). for me it is hard when I am that one in the family where everyone expect you to be there and be in charge and that one that will do it all and not say NO.. I thought I had learned how to control that, but when it comes from "all sides' then for me everything goes out the window and basically I say YES knowing that it can never be done by one person. Don't get me wrong I truly love my family, BUT it is also true that sometimes it is best to miss them instead of having them soo close.
Any way after I did my first card it only made me want to do more :0)... the other day over at Catch The Bug Challenge blog their guest designer for the month of June is Shelia this is her blog.
She gave a tutorial on making a "ribbon flowers". it was soo cute and looked so easy I had to try it!!! and so I did and that lead me to create a card with the flower and also one of their so very cute images.

Image:SummPeek Flower Pot:colored with Prisma, and Sakura gelly roll pen, Card stock: Bazzill, DP: EK success (a day at the Beach), Ribbon (Elements),Punch: EK Sucess treading water, Uni-Ball white gel pen-faux stitching, Sentiment: DYMO caption maker.

WFP-Challenge #18 Circle, Stripes & Stitches
Mojo Monday- Sketch #142
Pile it on-#22 Quirky
Have a great crafting day,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Quick Post

Hello everyone; have had no time and really no thoughts for my craft, life takes us thru so much up's and down's until sometimes we just have to stop and catch our breath,, Could not let this challenge past me by so here is my card for the challenge over at Delightful Inspiration.

Card stock: Bazzill, DP:K&Co,Stamp: PTI, Colored: Prisma & Sakura cut w/Nesti

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Fathers Day Challenge

Card Stock: PTI, DP, Momenta (Michael's), Uni-ball Gel (gold, & silver
Hi Everyone;
                   Thanks to all the Men and Women who serve and protect us ALL. I hope u all had a wonderful MEMORIAL DAY weekend.  My weekend was great, we had a birthday party for my nice on Saturday and had our family BBQ on Sunday, it was great because we had several families members that we had not seen on quite a while, several of them had  new additions to the family, we joke all the time that our family heritage will never end because we just continue to grow and grow, But most of all we see it as truly a Blessing. I believe the youngest was 3 months and the oldest was 80-something :-).
Robyn from MyPink Stamper is having a Father's Day Challenge with a chance to win a" Cricut Expression". Yes I am quite happy with my baby Bug, But who would not love a chance for an Expression. She challenged us to do a masculine card for fathers day. I used my Every day Paper doll and went with this cute little drive, wining the title of #1 DAD. My dad is no longer with me but does not mean we can't celebrate him and my Husband for being the best dad that they now how to be.
