Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Happy With Rockabilly

Hi everyone I wanted to post this "yesterday" But Blogger was not acting nice to me at all.. :0). Goes with out mention what my "favorite" stamp line is.. YES it's The Greeting Farm. and by far my favorite collection from them is the "Cheeky Collection". These little pin-up inspired cuties are just "the business". As with many of my GF stamps. I just could not bring my self to color them up right away. (please I say again that my nerves do get the best of me sometimes). This is true with "Cheeky Rockabilly" here. I got here quite a while back but never colored her. So this is the first time that she is making an "appearance" on my Blog today. Don't you just love her. She reminds me of those Turner Classic Movies that my mother and I love to watch.
I colored her about 2 weeks ago and at that time I was just kinda of practicing coloring her hair. I wanted to see how good I could get with having her go "black". When I colored her with my Prisma Pencils I only used my pencils and NO OMS. (again because it was just practice ;0) But when I was finished I kinda liked how she turned out.. So I left her hair as is, and then went in with my "Warm Gray 50 % and just added a few shadow to her outfit. Just to really give her an "old Black and White feeling". and so when I was finished I just left her like that. I thought I would just put her with my other "sketches' that I have to remind me of the colors and technique that I used for my  images.
Then I saw that on the "Farm Fresh Blog" WOW( Which One Wednesday) was a color challenge with "Black & White with a splash of color". Soo of course I pulled her out and came up with my card for today.
( I really wanted to use the sketch from this week's Mojo Monday I went with the "square" card.)

What goes better with black and white... RED!! I have this DP from the 'june bug" collection from Basic Grey. and knew right away that it would be perfect for my card, and with the added little color splash it really makes my red just POP. Ribbon was from my stash. I added some bling swirls from Michael's, my prima flower and sentiment is from a "studio g" stamp set that I have.

The Crazy Challenge- Beautiful Women
Stamps R  Us- There was a Girl

Happy Scrapping,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Time to Relax and enjoy the good life

 Hi everyone.. I am back with a New image today.. I bought her a couple weeks ago, she was already colored up and just kinda sitting and relaxing while I made up my mind on just which kind of card I wanted to show case her on.

 Say Hello to Lil Pinkette August. She is one of the Newest images that was released from Tickled Pink. Like I said I honestly colored her up the same weekend I got her, But never make a card for her. I colored her with my Prisma and OMS. and Yes used lots of stickles to outline her shirt, lace on her pants and of course she had to have the "blinged out  Head phone while she is listing to some of her favorite music on her play list.
I found the Perfect card sketch thanks to this week's  "deconstruction Jen"
I loved everything about this sketch and soo I knew it was prefect for August My Card stock is From PTI., Sentiment if from Create with TLC ( I always say Paulette is your "go to girl" if ever your in need of a great sentiment :0)  DP is my 6 x 6 sample pack from S.E.I. "moonrise" that I got from Claudia & Co. sometime last  year. I just did not use much of it.. So it's always great to use up those paper that you just kinda of just have sitting around.. ( I had just colored August up with out much thought to matching paper or any thing else like that . So I was glad when I cam across "moonrise" and saw how close to perfect it was. hehehe. I used my Corner. Punch, my Circle and scallop Nesti for sentiment. Paper flowers I made with my "EK success small flower punch. Ribbon was from my "gift stash" and of course lots of pop dots to make everything pop.

This Card is Also for the following Challenges:
DDH- Flowers
House of Gilli- Ribbons and Bows
Stamps R Us- There was a Girl
Dream Valley- Ribbons

Happy Scrapping,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

TGF Royalty Contest!" Week 4 Carriages, Crowns, Tulle, and Tiaras

 Hi everyone.. Wow can you believe it we are now on to week 4 of The Greeting Farm Royalty Contest. Before I go any further. I want to THANK EVERYONE for all their out pouring of support during my "Guest Designer spot this  month with TGF. From being someone who was soo "scared" to even color an image yet enter them and to be asked to be a Guest Designer. again WOW!!!! :0))))

This week our them is Carriages, Crowns, Tulle, and Tiaras. 
I used Princess 2 for this week card. I just Love her "gorgeous" hair and decided to make her a "RED" head this time. Look at her "cute little "crown" and don't you just love that she is standing in front of her "carriage". quite sure she is waiting for the Prince :0)))

I love "gate fold cards  because they are just soo easy to make. IF you would like a tutorial you can check one out here!.  Plus I thought that it went with the Royalty theme. It's like opening the "castle Gate to a wonderful Fairy tale world>>>.hehehe
Card stock is from PTI. DP is "Heidi Grace Designs" It was perfect because it had just about every thing I need on the ONE sheet of DP. My Stickers and embellishments are from K&Co. soo funny that I had these dimensional stickers for about a year now and just never found a project to use them on.. Until the "Royals" came to town :0)))
You still have a time to play along for a chance to win the entire July release. All you have to do is to make a project with this week's Theme- using ANY The Greeting Farm stamps. You have until Next Tuesday June 28th at 8:00 0.m. to enter your projects, card or layout to the>>> TGF gallery.>>>>

Happy Scrapping

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Live Your Bliss Today and everyday

Hello Everyone. I have to start off my post by sending a "heart felt" blessing to ALL the "Fathers" today. For we know that Fathers are the "head and strength of our families.  So to Live our Bliss is to have those male figures in our lives that teach our Daughters that they are "Special" and perfect just the way they are. And for teaching our Sons what the true meaning of "manhood is.To my dad ( whom is no longer with us) I LOVE you and miss you every day, but especially on days like today when the main focus is about Family and all that comes with that. To my DH words can not say what you mean to me and our kids. You continue to prove to us that everything you do is done for the well being of your family and we are soo "blessed" because of you and I give all glory to God for giving us YOU!!
And now for my card. I have always been a "fan" of the Tickled Pink stamp lines, I just think that these little stamps are just "gorgeous". But I never really had an opportunity to purchase any let alone color any of them up. A couple of weeks ago "Kellie Winnell" offered a "freebie" of your choice to the first 50 people to email her.. Well it was another lucky day for me because I was one of the 50 to email and I got to choose this gorgeous lady here. Say hello to Lil Fashionette 60's Willow from the "Lil Lolita line"
Willow has Always been one of my favorite and I love seeing all the cards made with her ever time I visted the "Tickled  Pink Blog" She is just soo fashionable in her "hippie" outfit. Love her pants with all the flowers. she just looks soo "peaceful" doesnt' she. hehehe. I colored her with my  Prisma and OMS> and added stickles to her flowers on her pants and headband. (can't really see it too good from the pics but they are there!!!.
So once I got her all colored up I knew I had to enter her into a few challenges. starting with this week's Tickled Pinks stamp challenge. Which just happens to be a sketch challenge ( you know those are my Favorite kind)

Card stock and sentiment is from PTI. my DP is my 12 x 12 paper pack from Amanda Blu that I got from Michael's on clearance for around $4.00 bucks ( yes I am a "big" spender :0)))) I choose this because of all the  "gorgeous" paisley pattern and they are all lined with "glitter"  WOW!!
I used my EK success "treading water", ribbon is from my "stash". and lots of pop dots to make everything pop.
Crafty Emma- sparkly flowers
TotallypaperCrafts- Diecuts and Punches

Happy Scrapping,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

TGF Royalty Week 3!! Dutches of Doodling

Hi everyone Wow we are on Week 3 of our "Royalty Contest" over at The Greeting Farm". And do we have a delightful Doodling!! for you. Our Theme this week is
<<<"Dutchess of Doodling.>>>
with a Sketch by Jessica Diedrich

I used the "super cute" new "DIGI-Ballet Anya" for my card today.. As you can see "Dancing is what she does best, beside looking absolutely cute in her little "tutu" and Ballet Shoes. As soon as my little one saw her she asked me to print out one or two :0) for her. I think she is a "Must have:" for all our "Little ones and great for Birthdays or plays or dance recitals.

I stopped in to Michael's for just a "quick" minute this Morning ( for me it was quick because I did not have my 40 % Coupon and I don't do Michael's with out my Coupons!!! hehehe Anyways they did have their open stock DP on sale @ 2 for $1.00 on all of the reg. price .99 cents one; soo I could not pass that up. And that is where I found this super cute "Heidi grace designs" paper from, I believe it's called "baby girl".  I Love the Pinks and the Browns So that is where I got my color scheme from. I colored her with my Prisma and OMS ( and added stickles to her Tiara and the under lay of her tutu), While I was "browsing" the aisle of Michael's I also came across some "liquid Pearls" from "Ranger" I don't remember ever seen them at Michael's before. I have seen tons of cards with them But never really got a chance to buy some SO I picked up a 3 pack to try and I LOVE IT. (again just can't have enough Bling !!;0)  I used some Brown and Pink Ribbon, Some Prima Flowers and lots of Pop dots.

So know that I have totally gone on and on>>> Please head over to TGF blog to see what the other DT have come up with, and for a Chance to win your choice of one of the 3 Princess in the Princess collection. and at the end of the 4th week challenge One Lucky person will Win the Entire Release for "July" ( not even I get that, hehehe) you have to play along with the Challenge, (You Must use a TGF stamp) You never know YOU might be the "Lucky" winner.
 Remember to post your cards, layouts, projects to the >>TGF Gallery>>" you have until next Tuesday June 21 at 8 P.m. CST.

Happy Scrapping,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Check out My Guess Designer Post

It is my Turn in the "Designer Spotlight" over at The Greeting Farm Blog. and I wanted to share with you all here on my blog the card that I did for my post as the D.S. for this week.

I used the super "gorgeous" Cheeky Christmas stamp and sentiment from the 4x6 stamp set. I Love all of the Cheeky line. and I knew that I wanted to use it not only for my post, but I knew it would be perfect for my monthly card ornament projects. This marks the 6th month and the 6th card that I have done. I am happy just to be able to say that I have done a card for every month up to this point. and will on my way to having a full set of 12 by December.

I wont' go into too much more details because I did my my very first "little-tutorial" showing how I made this card and all the information is on the TGF blog soo Please head over there to see more and  if you like it  .. then leave a comment for me

Happy Scrapping,

Friday, June 10, 2011

Splash and Wave

Happy Friday Everyone. I don't know where you are at in your part of the world. But in my area we are enjoying a "Gorgeous" beginning of summer 80 degree kind of day. Could not ask for a more beautiful day.
And what better way than to show off a little bit of my "winnings" that I received this week.

All that scraps had an Awesome preview last week showcasing some wonderful stamps with the C.C. Designs, Amy Young, and Amy R stamps and sentiment stamps. And I WON!!! 4 yes 4 of the "Brand New" Amy Young "Sweet November Set. Woot Woot!!!!!
Say Hello to "Splash and Wave the newest Merbabies. in the S.N undersea land. Are they Not the cutest ever. I was soo excited when I got them Yesterday that I went straight to coloring these two up for my card.
This week over at The All That Scraps challenge blog theme is a color challenge. Aqua, Yellow and lime green. Now if that does not "scream summer" I don't know what does. You all know that I am all things "Bright and colorful soo I had no problem with coming up with these colors :0))) 

I have yet to play along with  "the deconstructed Sketch" challenge with Jen Shultz. So I used this week's sketch for my card.
I colored Splash and Wave with my Prisma and OMS and added stickles to their tails. Card stock and Sentiment is PTI> DP is EK Success "A Day at the Beach"> Embellishments "Jolee's Boutique and Ribbon was from my stash.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full with some time for "crafting"
7 Kids College Fund- Feeling Hot Hot Hot
FairyFun Friday- Summer Fun

Happy Scrapping,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Congrats to All the Grads of 2011

We have been celebration  "nothing" But graduation for the last few weeks.. My DD's was about 2 weeks ago, My Niece had her's on Monday (Congrats to Ashl'ee too Auntie is very "proud" of you.And we R not even done  yet. I believe that we have about 3 more. Woot Woot I am soo very proud of those in my family for reaching such an "amazing" mile stone in their young lives.
So to celebrate ALL THINGS GRADUATION. I have 2 cards to share with you all today..
This first one was for my DD. Her colors where green and white and so I chose "Sandra's Graduation" from Sassy Studios Designs along with this week's challenge which is NO DP.

I made this one soo very simple and very quickly too. She is colored with Prisma and OMS> Card Stock is from PTI> Sentiment is a dimensional from Jolee's Boutique.

The Cheerful Stamp- Special Reason
Scrapbooaholic- Graduation

For my Second card. This one is what I made for my Niece. Using The Cutting Cafe "Graduation Set Stamp Set". This one was also a 'very quick and easy card to make. And you get several style in this set.I choose this one where the center was empty and added my own embellishments.
I used my Largest Nesti Circle Scallop for the base of the card. and the Largest Circles to cut out the stamp set. using some lavender Card Stock. Ribbon was from my Stash. and dimensional where also from
Jolee's Boutique.


Happy Scrapping,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 2 of TGF Roality Contest

Hey, everyone!
It's Wednesday and time for week TWO of our "TGF Royalty Contest!" We are loving all the entries so far and can't wait to see who takes this thing...but for now...we're still just getting started!

For week 2 our Theme is "ROYAL WEDDING INSPIRATION"

 Our friend and TGF Customer Jammie Clark has created a "Sweet and Toxic" Royal Wedding inspired cake that will serve as our inspiration piece for this week's challenge! Use ANY TGF stamp and get INSPIRED by the following photo:

Here is my card I made using my "digi" stamp of  "Sweetheart" Anya and Ian.
I just love these two and as long as I have had them. I "belive" that this is the first time that I am showing them of :0)))

I have shown this techinque before where I don't color all of the images. Just the skin and Hair and of course something that I can add a little "bling/sparkle" to.  I colored them with my Prisma and OMS. and added a little green and Stickle to her little "Bow" in her hair and shoes. DP is from K& Co. "Black & Ivory Fusion"  (it is a double sided paper pack) I do love this paper pack for vintage cards and I will be using lots more of it. Flowers are from Jolee's Bling and Card Stock and Sentiement is from PTI.

Want to play along? We'd love to have you! Just upload a card or project (layouts are great, too!) using this creative confection as your inspiration and upload to TGF Galleria>Contests/Challenges>TGF Royalty> WEEK 2-Inspiration and you have through Tuesday June 14th at 8pm CST to get those creations uploaded! For more details and some great Inspiration from the other farmers please make sure you stop by TGF blog
Good luck and get INSPIRED!

  Happy Scrapping,