Friday, December 30, 2011

Farrm Fresh Friday Spy day #13

Hello My wonderful Crafty friends. I hope you ALL had a wonderful Christmas and you got at least 1 item on your "wish" list. I am here today to share with you my "creation" for this week's FF Spy day #13.

Today we are casing a Beautiful creation by SHELA
For my card, I used my Super cute Wild Sprout "Matilda".. I just love her "serious face and gorgeous hair. I just picked her up a few weeks ago, and I just had to get her all colored up.

My fun paper is from Echo Park.. " Summer Time".. I just got this 12x12 Scrap pack too.. and I am loving all the gorgeous colors that are in the pack. 

We would love for you all to play along..  Please go to the Farm Fresh Challenge blog for all the info.

Happy Scrapping,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Farrm Fresh Friday Spy day #12

 Hi everyone.. I am soo behind with my posting... I spent the whole day with my sisters... Something we have not done in about 5 months; it was totally not planned.. But we had a great time. Then I was off to work, from work I was at the "grocery store and then finally home.. So that was my day (As I am sure was yours just the same)..
So after all of that I needed to get my card uploaded for this week Farm Fresh Spy Day #12.
This week we "spied" this Super Gorgeous card from "Baete"
I used Wild Sprout Ebony".. I just Love Ebony she is in my TOP 5 Favorite in the W.S. line.. She is soo cute in her little skirt and legging.. and that T-shirt with the "skull".. SOO SASSY..hehehe

My lighting is soo "bad" I have to change it NOW!! (sorry it's not the best quality.. I will retake pictures tomorrow and "edit" for a better view)

Now we would love for you to play along with our challenge, You can upload your photo to the GF gallery or on our gallery over SCS. Make sure you head over to the FFC blog for all the details.. 

Happy Scrapping,

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Greeting Farm 3rd Annual Customer Blog HOP

Warning "Lots of Pictures"

 Hi Everyone... Sooo Happy for today.. Because it's  "The Greeting Farm 3rd Annual Customer Blog HOP!!>>>>>>Please make sure you start at TGF for the "full list" of blogs for our hop.
As I ponder on what to maker for my DD's class for her last day of school.. I saw some awesome "inspiration" from all the Talented ladies of both "The Greeting Farm "Farmers" as well as my Talented team over at The Farm Fresh Challenges Blog;  But mostly from ALL of you; that participate in our weekly and monthly challenges. I say it again' "You all ROCK!!!!!
I Decided to make these very "Cute and easy" Treat Bags with several stamp images from The Greeting Farm.
 I started with a 4x6 Clear cello bag. filled them with some goodies. (if you look closely at the Granola bar you will see some decorative green tape.. that's because they are from Halloween... Hey a group of 6 yr old don't mind hehehe.
Cut my Card stock at 4 1/2 x 4 1/2. folded in half. I added some strips of DP and stamped with the Christmas Tree from "Cheeky Christmas" and Sentiments from "Keep Cozy" Set... Added lots of stickles to the Christmas Tree, but it's hard to see from here.
 What was so great about these where that I "ONLY" used my scraps of DP to decorate my white card stock.I only had to make 20 of them which  really took me no time to finish them all.. .

This Next one is the Card I made for her Teacher.
" A Little Snow Man Soup"
 I made this super cute and easy Hot Cocoa Holder for her Teacher.. Using one of the Snowman (colored with Prisma and OMS)  from the "Keep Cozy" stamp set. I am just in LOVE with this set.. I can use all of them "over and over" again.
 Here is the inside with a packet of Hot Cocoa, packet of  marsh mellow and a little candy cane. If you would like to purchase this "template and many more you can find them all "here".
I found this " Snowman Soup Poem" on line and just printed it out.. Sorry about the bad image.

Wanted to show how you can make some "Great, fun and easy" projects using your "Greeting Farm" stamps. 
Please make sure that you leave a "comment" on every one's post for your chance to win an Prize. If you get lost along the way just head back to The Greeting Farm blog".

Happy Scrapping,

Monday Fun Day and a HOP

Hello to "all my wonderful Crafty friends....What a wonderful week we are heading in to.. and I have a great way to start it. Before I get to this week's  Farm Fresh  Monday Fun day challenge.  Today is the day we have been planning for "all month long over at The Greeting Farm
 3rd Annual Customer Blog Hop
The Hop starts today (Monday) at 10: a.m. CST . There is a Master List with "ALL" the participantant's link to their blog. Which all start over at  "Splendid Stamping with The Greeting Farm" This is our 3rd annual Customer Hop Soo!! you know their going to be prizes.. 3 of Them in the catogory's of :
Holiday Project
TGF "General Project
And the Third goes to a "hopper" who did not participate; but who left a comment on each blog. So lets start our Monday off right with a Great Hop and a chance for some Awesome Prizes.. Cant wait to see all the Goregeous Creations out there.. 

Now for our Monday Fun day Week 12 over at The Farm Fresh Challenge Blog. and what a great one we have for you. This week we are mixing it up a little with a 
Recipe Challenge:
Kraft Card Stock

 I just love "stamping" on Kraft  card stock.. It gives your images the perfect "vintage look. I did a Kraft image a few weeks ago with coloring... So this week I though I would just stamp and leave the image as "IS"...(Yes of course I had to add my "Sparkly" some where, so I added some glitter with my Sakura stardust pen  to her wings and "halo"..

I finally got a chance to use my Gorgeous.. "perfect Angel" from the Naughty or Nice Set from TGF. She is just soo Gorgeous with her beautiful "curly" hair and beautiful wings. She is still very much a "Christmas card but a very Simple and non traditional color card.  I just love this paper from Echo Park "Season Greeting" 6x6 paper pack. 
Card Stock: Kraft from PTI
DP. Echo Park : Season Greetings
Image: The Greeting Farm/ Sentiment
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, and Ladybug
Twine- Martha Stewart
Embellishment: Button (which is really am Eyelet). Stardust gel pen, Flourish Bling from Recollections (Michael's)

Now it's your Turn to play along. You will have "all week long to play soo make sure you head on over to the FFC blog for all the details.

Happy Scrapping,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Welcome to another Fab Retro Challenge

Hi everyone.. Wow I have been soo out of it.. I picked up a "nasty little bug over the last few days.. It really got more and more "annoying" last night, but When I woke up this morning, it wrapped it self around me very tightly.( I had to stay home from work.. :0(. I know I am soo far behind with my card Series.. So I will continue to count this one as "Day 5" in my card Series.

I am  glad I got a little energy this evening to finish my projects for this months:
Retro Fresh Challenge over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog
And it's all about the  "TAGS".. we want to see your tags. Any way you want to show them..

 I used the "Super Cute "Keep Cozy" set.. I saw these little guys and just fell in Love with them. I had my tags from a "prize" I won back a few months ago.. They are soo beautiful I love the feel of the paper.. For My first  little guy I "paper Pieced his outfit. Sentiment is also from the set.
 For my second I colored his hat and Scarf with my prisma and OMS. and added some "stickles" to his "ear muffs and added some "black pearls for his buttons.
 My Design Papers and Matching Ribbon is from "Martha Stewart. I got them on a great sale at "Michael's.  I used "green and black on him and added lots of stickles to his scarf "You know me I just love my Bling hehe and again Sentiment is from set.

So remember this is our "Monthly Challenge... So you have a Whole Month to get your Tags in, Please make sure to head on over to the FFC blog for all the details.

Any Thing Goes Challenge- Anything But a Card-TAGS
Outlaws- Sentiment
Gingerloft-Winter Christmas

Happy Scrapping,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday Funday at The Farm Fresh Challenge

Hello everyone.. December 12 is here soo that means 13 more Days until Christmas.. It's here and I know that we are all soo busy with our Christmas to do list.. Me my self am still trying to play catch up with getting my cards out.. I am hoping against hope that I can get them "ALL" out my this Friday,  But as for my Monday Fun day Challenge over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog, I moved away from my Christmas card. and went with a Birthday Card Theme for our  "All Boy Challenge this week,.. Yes that's right this week it's All about the Boys.

For my card I used "Birthday Ian" and the Bantastic Clear stamp set from "The Greeting Farm". I just love him with his little Banner. and whats soo great about this stamp is that you can use it for just about "any occasion..
Card Stock" PTI
DP: lime twist" Out of the Blue
Image: The Greeting Farm
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black,  Tangelo, Bahama Blue, Cantaloupe, Bamboo Leaves
Sentiment: Bantastic, Basic Grey
Embellishments: Brads,  Twine and white gell pen
We would love for you all to play along with us just hop on over to the FFC Blog for all the details.

Stampin Sisters in Christ- Birthday Celebration

Happy Scrapping

Friday, December 9, 2011

FFF Spy Day #10!!! and Day 4 of my Card Series

 Happy Friday everyone.. Wow I am soo looking forward to my "Day off tomorrow". I am here with our 10th week of Challenge at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog!!! I just fell in love with this card when I saw it.. It was picked by this week's Hostess. Margie our Awesome Team Capt. and here is the card that we Spied this week.
Miss Anya Collection  "Snow"
OK!! this is the collection that first brought me to the "Greeting Farm" was this collection.. I love the Miss Anya Collection. .. And Snow is soo Cute.. I will be making more cards with her for this "Season.
Card Stock: PIT
Image: The Greeting Farm Miss Anya Collection Snow
Embllishments: Snow Flakes Stickers (Recollections,

It's your turn.. As always you have one week to play along and up load your photo to "Mr.Linky" on the FFFC Blog post or in our gallery... Just head on over for all the details..

                    >>>>>>>>>>>>>DON'T FORGET>>>>>>>>>
                                                          December 19th!!! 
                           Sign ups will close on December 12th!!!
                          Come play along with us!!! Go HERE for all the details :)

Happy Scrapping,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday Fun Day - No embellishments! Say it it Soo

Hello everyone.. Wow we have come to the start of a new week.. And soo it's time for another Monday Fun-day with the Farm Fresh Challenge. And what a challenge it is.. This week our Lovely and talented Joni is our Hostess with the Mostes. Our Challenge this week is "No Embellishment".. Say it ain't soo!!.. I could not   imagine doing a card with out any embellishment... and I still don't think DID.. lol unless my "flower that I made from some scrap paper can really count as an embellishment?? I would say NO hehehehe.
I used my New Cheeky Collection "Glamour".. I think she is just "glamorous.. isn't she.. I have all but 3 of the entire Cheeky Collection..  I went with a little different technique this week and stamped on "Kraft card stock" and used the Black and White technique.. With only using my Black and White Prisma Pencils. I first saw a "tutorial" on this over on the GF blog.. and I loved it. I have tried it several times, and I do really like it.

I used this week's "The Sweetest Thing" sketch. My card stock if Kraft. I really don't remember what brand the DP is. I have it for over a year now.Sentiment is from "clear Stamp". Scallop board punch is from Stampnup. and again I did use my small flower punch to make the flowers.
We would love for you to play along with us.. You will have one week to get your entries in on the "linky" provided on the bottom of the post. or you can up load your cards to the GF gallery or the SCS using the key work GFM10.

Happy Scrapping,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Day 3

 Ok Here I a back and up to speed now with my dates and posting of my "12 Days of Christmas". So Here is day 3.. You can see that I am going with a "trend" here as this is my second card using another gorgeous from La La Land Craft Blog.. Say Hello to "Sunny Christmas Marci... If you didn't know Marci is from Sunny California.. So she can wear a cute little "Christmas Dress and  Flip flops.. I LOVE IT!!!..
She is getting ready to deck the halls and get her decorating "ON".. OHHH by the was she too comes in both Rubber and digi.... She too is a "digi">>. yes I went shopping on the On line store and picked  up some of my favorite.. I could not afford to purchase all that I got in Rubber.. But being that I LOVE working with digi,, I am more than HAPPY :0)))
 Know when I saw this "Marci I knew that I wanted her with her little lights.. As I had  the DP in mind since I am using Most of my 6x6 Paper pack from "Echo Park" Holly Jolly Christmas pack. and then I remembered I had this cute little "lights" set that I got from Michael's last year after Christmas on Clarence. Love it too.. .  Card stock and Sentiment is from MY Newest order from PTI. My EK success Punch for the Boarders. Prisma Pencils and OMS>. with lots of stickles for some awesome glitter. and finished off with some pop dots.
I used this week's sketch from "The Sweet Stop

2 Sisters- Punches and Dies
Crazy Catz- Colors of Christmas and Sparkles

Happy Scrapping,

12 Days of Christmas Day 1 (a day late)

 Hello everyone.. I finally had a day to my self. (and it was Wonderful..The house was still full and on top of that we have family over still as I am posting this. But I just worked right thru it :0)). I am still working on my Christmas cards.So I wanted to get caught up with my 12 Days of Christmas Cards series.. I did not get a chance to post my Day one card..

I just love La La Land Carft stamps.. Marci and Luka are just the cutest.. So when I saw "Angel Marci". I knew that I wanted her to use for my cards. She is just soo BEAUTIFUL..don't you agree??? She comes in both "Rubber" and Digi.. She is a  "digi"!!!

 I colored her up with my Prisma Pencils..and my Skaura Star dust pen. Her wings and Halo are just too cute to me. so I added star dust to those as well..
 Was soo Happy to get my PTI package in the mail today.. I ran out of some of my Holiday card stock colors and did not want to make a trip to Michael's.. Where as for my Card stock basis... Nothings better than PTI. So when I got my package it saved me from going out and I was able to try out my new Stamp set. My card is measured at 5 x 4 1/4. DP is what I got at the end of last year from "Michael's. Deja Views12 x 12 paper pack.. I got it in a grab bag for $2.00 with some other GREAT items....It's Deja Veiws "Fair Isle Christmas" I just love the paper and because it had soo much going on already..   I did not want to add any thing extra.. So I just added some "Flourish Swirls from Reflection .. (those I did get from Michael's) and added two snow flakes.

Prairie Fairy Fridays-Winter Blue and White
Simply Create- All about Christmas
Paper Sundaes- Winter Wonderland

Happy Scrapping,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Farm Fresh Friday #9 and Day 2

Hello everyone.. Well as we all know it's December 2, WOW!! only 23 more days until Christmas.. I said that I would start off the month with my own "12 days of Christmas" post.. but as usual I am " a day late and a dollar shot".. (Meaning that I am always running behind.. So please don't be fooled by the "Post". This card is meant to be day 2 of my 12 day posting.
As you can see I combine  two challenges. As it is Friday and that means that it is time for our FFF SPY Day challenge. And it's my week to host the challenge.. I scanned the SCS gallery and came across a very sweet layout, and so I knew that I wanted to use it.
I just love the colors on this card.

For my Image I used W.S. ViVi She is such a cute little elf. As you can see she is hard at work getting all the gifts ready for "you know who"..  I thought she would look so beautiful with "green" hair. 
Here is my card I used DP from Echo Park Holly Jolly Christmas.. I really love this paper pack and I am going to use it for a lot of my cards.I made my a 5x 51/2 card so that I can have enough room for my square pattern. The Sentiment is from the "Clear Christmas" set.. My little ornament if from "Reflection" from Micheal's.  Now you know I had to add my "stickles and sparkle to Ms. ViVi.. So for her fur and stockings I added lots of  Stickles. For her bell I used my Sakura Star dust pen. And I finished it off with some Liquid Pearls from Ranger.. I started off  "paper piercing"  around the edges but changed my that's why the top few are a little smudge. :0).

 I know that we all still have some "Holiday" cards to finish up or may be something just for fun, either way I would love for you all to play along.. You will have One week to add your "link to Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post on the FFC blog Or you can add your project to TGF gallery or to SCC using the "keyword" TGFFF09.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please Read Below>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Join us!!!

What:  An ALL-customer blog hop for anyone who wants to participate using TGF stamps
When:  Monday, December 19th,  10am CST-10pm CST
Please make sure you stop by for all the details... 

Happy Scrapping,