Friday, February 24, 2012

Farm Fresh Friday Spy Day #21!!!

Hi everyone.. Wow what an absolute wonderful few days of warm weather we have had here in Sunny So.Cali.. Spring is soo close you can feel it.. And with that I think that it's the "perfect week for "ME to be  "Hosting this week's FFFSpy Day challenge#21. This week we "Spied with our Eyes" a Gorgeous Beauty from our very own TGF galley.

Now you know I fell in LOVE with this card from the moment I saw it... First of all LOVE the bright colors.. what a wonderful wave of "gorgeousness" and not to mentions I just Love easel cards.. so I was excited about seeing this card..
Here is my card.. I used my Absolute Favorite image from TGF.. Well One of them.. But she is in my TOP 2.. Look at that face and her gorgeous hair and ponytail.. Just LOVE me some Ruby... My Card stock is from PTI...and my DP is from "My Mind Eye.. Sentiment is from O&A Surprise.. I needed some more Birthday cards.
Here is a close up of Ruby.. I colored her with Prisma and OMS.. and added lots of "glitter".. So Now its your turn to play along... My time as a DT. member is soo fastly  coming to an end soo as I am the host this week.. would LOVE for a few of my followers to play along.. Please remember that you must use a TGF stamp OR digi to be eligible for a prize.. You can upload your projects to the linky on the blog or to our forms over at SCS or TGF gallery..  All details can can be found at the FFC blog.

Happy Scrapping,

All That Scraps- Fancy Folds
Papercraft Journey- Make it Cute
Crafts N Me-Shade of Spring

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Sketch 4

Hi everyone., Hope that you are having a wonderful Scrappy Saturday... I just have a quick Post today..We are in our 4th week of our Split Coast Stamper Farm Fresh Saturday Sketch. I did not have a chance to get a card in for last week. So I made sure that I got this weeks card done "EARLY" enough to get it in to the challenge.. 
My DD needed a Birthday card for on of her BFF's son's Birthday today. So I pulled out my favorite "guy".. Oliver from O&A Surprise.. Set.. I  said it before, but I think he is just soo cute with his little vest and jeans holding his gift.. 
I used Kraft Card stock from PTI and DP is from My Mind Eyes' Lime Twist "Out of the Blue" I also used my Bantastic banner stamp and cut out some images from my DP.

I colored Oliver with my Prisma and OMS.. The sentiment is also from the stamp set. .
Ok Now that you see the sketch and how I used it. Its your turn to play along, you will have all week long to play... just upload your card to the SCS gallery using the key word: TGFSC4

Happy Scrapping,

Friday, February 17, 2012

Spy Day #20 with the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog

Happy Friday to you all. Sorry I have not posted in a few days.. Just have been a little under the weather.. Truth is I have been going through my own little "blue Funk"; I have a whole lot going on right Now, and even my crafting can not get me out of it "sometimes".. I did managed to get a few image colored including one for this week's Spy Day challenge over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog.
This week we "Spied with our Eyes"
Lori Craig's Card
As I said, before that I colored up a few images and one was a New one for me.. I purchased the Miss Anya Bag collection at the Last Farmers Market over at TGF. I decided that I would pull this sweet little lady with her Super Gorgeous "wavy" hair. and cute "bag" I colored her up with my Prisma and decided I wanted to "paper piece her bag..
I used what us again some "new" D.P. from My Minds Eye's- "Everyday Flair" I got a great deal on all a 4 pack of their 6x6 2011 collection.. Love them ALL..  I decided to stick with Lori's idea and use Kraft paper for my card base.. and a Strip of the matching DP from her bag.
I bought a sweet little stamp set from Nikki Sivils" Ellie's Day out and thought that the cute purse stamp and sentiment (clear stamp set) was just perfect for this image... I stamped them both with Memento Rich Cocoa.
Here is the inside of the card.. using the rest of my DP.. and a Larger Purse stamp from the stamp set.. 

So Now it's your turn to play along.. You will have One week to get your projects uploaded to the FFC Blog or to the SCS set or TGF gallery. Make sure you stop by the FFC blog for all the details.

Happy Scrapping,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Loving My Unity

Hi everyone... I hope your week is a good one... Love "hump" day... because we know that we are at the half way point and  Friday is only a day away.... For my card today..I want to show how I turned ONE card into TWO.. I have stated that I am now focused on adding a little something to the inside of my cards as well as just decorating the front.. I am also committed to doing more CAS type cards as I just purchased a few Gorgeous Stamps from Unity and other brands.. So I want to do lots more clean Stamping. Soo As I sat there adding stamps and DP to my "inside" of my card.. My DH said to me"" Hey is that a Second card your' making... and I said "NO". its the inside of my card.. and I just have to put my Front cover together.. He said "ohhh" because that looks as a "finish" card to me!!! .. Good eyes Honey.. because after staring at it for a minute.. I said to my self and to him"... He is Right!!!! So here it is.
As clean as simple as you can get don't you agree..hehehehe I really LOVE how it turned out. Again I am soo Loving all the Gorgeous stamps that I have gotten from Unity Stamps"...  This stamp is from the "Wishes & Kisses".  I stamped with my " Memento Lady Bug ink" My Heart paper doily is from EK Success and that gorgeous DP was some Scraps from Echo Park Yours Truly..
I did not like the "lighting" so I took several images..just to get a better image of my card..

And keeping with my inside decorating.. I stamped a Heart image from the Wishes & Kisses set too...Ok that's it for me.. Have some house cleaning to do.

Happy Scrapping,


Stamps R Us-Valentine
Outlawz- Momday Greeting
Ippity Challenges- Valentine

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stitching with Monday Fun day Challenge #19

Happy Monday Everyone.. I am up early and ready to start my week.. Here today with our Farm Fresh Challenge Monday Fun Day #19; and today we are doing a little "Stitching".
Yes that's right, we want to see "stitching" on your project.. Faux for Real... One goal that I have, is to own a sewing machine and learn to sew on my card (I think it's soo beautiful and elegant.. But I do love Faux stitching with my White Gel Pen.. I think it just makes the card "pop" even more soo... 

 Here is  my card.. I went with a simple theme for this one. I made a circle card with my Nesti and cuttlebug.  and used an image from the "Tea-rriffic" clear stamp set.. Love this (it says... hope, love, faith.. Gorgeous.. I  stamped it on Kraft paper with my Memento Lady Bug stamp. and cut it out.. I added some Ribbon, swirl and roses. The Paper from "My Mind Eyes" Love Me..and finish off with my White Gell Pen
Here is the inside of the card.. I used more of my Gorgeous DP. and added Yet another stamp. This time from the .. Made By Clear Stamp set.. Both stamp set and a whole lot more can be found at 
TGF store.. so be sure to check them out.

Now It's your turn to play along.. Please make sure you head to the FFC blog for all the details and of course  you can  link your "card" to the "linky" at the bottom of the post on the blog or on our gallery on TGF blog as well as SCS forum..
Happy Scrapping,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Canary Love

Hi everyone.. I have another Gorgeous Creation from Krista over at Saturated Canary. I have just fallen head over heals in Love with these absolutely Beautiful creations from Saturated Canary. Say hello to "Canary Love". and guess what she is a "Freebie".. yes You heard correct this sweet little lady is a "Freebie". and you can find out how to get her and all the information about other great images and challenges all over at the Saturated Canary Blog.

I am entering this card into this week's Challenge. It is a colored challenge: 
Red, Pink and White
 I just love looking into her eyes". I used more of my Echo Park Your Truly... Yes I might just go through the Whole paper pack.,,  I added some paper doily from EK Success. and some Ribbon from my stash.. flowers are from Making Memories. and Sentiment is from Unity Stamps.
 Here is a close up of Canary Love.. I colored her up with my Prisma and OMS... and added some glitter to her flower and head band and the little heart.
Here is the inside of my card.. I just love the look of the white and read as the main focus.

Hiding In my Craft Room- Red, Pink, & White
Outlawz-Paper a la Mode- Hearts

Happy Scrapping,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Showcase and a Sketch

Hi everyone.. What a Wonderful and restful Saturday. ( my one and only day off) and soo I am making the most of it, and do I have some Amazing news to share today...  I love Nikki Sivilis  and her gorgeous creations with her Scrapbook kits and 6x6 paper pad.. I posted several of my cards with DP from a few of her 6x6 paper pad lines.. Well Guess What??? I was "SHOWCASED".. today on Nikki's Blog with 2 of my cards using her paper and two of my sweet images from the "Greeting Farm" how Awesome is that.. Julie Tucker Wolek (Coordinator)  emailed me a few week's ago asking if she could showcase my cards and of course it was a big fat YES!!.. Thank you Julie and Nikki. Soo honored to be included in a group of some Amazing and Gorgeous Creations.

Now for this week's SCS Farm Fresh Saturday Sketch Challenge #2.
Here is my card suing this week's Sketch. I just love it. I used Princess Anya #2 from the Princess Collection.. Just love her gorgeous hair.. I decided to "paper piece her out fit and crown. with Echo Park Yours Truly"
 I also used two stamps from the "Build a Onesie" clear stamp set.  My stamp kind of smudge o the flowers.. but I added some bling to the center.. love that little crown.. don't you..
and here is the inside of the card.. Again love using the left over scrap paper.. that way we don't wast any thing.. I added the little crown again to the inside.. Looks gorgeous and the "pink card stock"

Friday, February 3, 2012

Farm Fresh Friday Spy Day #18!!!

Hi Everyone.. Can I tell you that I had the BEST week ever..  This week we ALL know was CHA Winter Show in Anaheim CA..  and soo it was very close to me As I live in Los Angeles, Which is only about 40 mins from there.. Even though I could not attend the Trade show.. Because it was NOT open to the public :(( I still got a chance for an Amazing Meet and Greet with my Family from The Greeting Farm as well as some ladies from some other Amazing Sites that I love and follow ( LA LA LAND Crafts) Hi Ladies :0). I will be posting pictures of those before the end of the day today... But just wand to share because I have not blogged since. hehehe

And Now for this week's Farm Fresh Friday Spy Day #18.. Today we spied.
Here is my card using my Sweet "H.G. Laundry".. Who can't relate to her, But as you can see she does everything (Including Laundry) in Fashion and Style.. I have colored her up before and I just love to see how I can make her different but still FAB and cute. 
 I used paper from Cosmo Cricket. "Material Girl".. love the buttons perfect with the laundry theme.. little puffy button is from  Ki Memories.. Michael's had them on sale for .79 cents Reg price like $3.99 so I picked up a few.
 Here is a close up of Laundry colored with my Prisma Pencils and OMS.. Sentiment is a "digital stamp". I printed and cut out.. (Create with TLC).. and swirl is also from Michael's.
Here is the inside of the card.. I used my EK Success Threading Water Punch.

Now if you would like to play along with this week's challenge. Please head over to the FFC blog for all the details on how to link you card up to the post or on or GF gallery and SCS gallery.. You have one week to play along. and Remember you Must use a GF stamp or digi to qualify for a prize.

Craft us Crazy- Any Thing Goes
Cute Card Thursday-Buttons and Bows (her bow on her head band)
Pixi Dust Studios- Girly Girl

Happy Scrapping,