Friday, March 30, 2012

Butterfly with Unity

 Hi everyone.. Happy Friday to you.. I just have a very quick card I wanted to post before I head out to work... I made this card for a Co-worker and wanted to give it to her today.. I have really Fallen head over heals in LOVE with UNITY stamps.. I am soo used to coloring my images that I am finding it a little hard to find my comfort zone when it comes to just Straight stamping images and going from there to make a card or and layout.
For my card today I used  a Gorgeous "quote" from the Quote Bundle Pack. I love butterfly's and I think that this quote is just perfect.
 I used basic white card stock, cream stock, and DP from my Recollection scrap pack that I picked up from Michael's last week.

 I stamped the image on White card stock with Memento Black Tuxedo ink and then cut it out with my Nest lable #9 (i think hehehe) and ran it through my cuttle Bug added some
Here is the Inside of the card. I used another stamp for the inside.. as I love this "Verse".. and think that went perfect with the quote on the Front... 

Happy Scrapping,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fond Farm Fresh Farewell

Hi everyone.. Wow T.G.I.F... usually is a Great day, But I have to say that Today is a very Sad day for me as It is the last day (second to the last day) as a DT with the Farm Fresh Challenge..  Six months have come an gone way too soon,  I can say that I have only been on 2 Design Team (this one being my 2nd) and I could not have been More blessed with a Group of Ladies as talented as this group that I have gotten to pleasure to work with and get to know Just a little better.

THANK YOU Marie for allowing me to play and show case your Gorgeous Creations of Rubber, Clear and Digital stamps and Images.. ( I hope that I did you justice)

THANK YOU.. Jessica (Jess) Diedrich.. You are by far the Best DT. Coordinator that any one can have the privilege of getting to work with.. I still am on a "natural high" with getting to meet you and the other ladies at CHA.. and I hope that we can do this on a "yearly" basis,, hehehehehe.... Did I mention that this Girl is just Gorgeous in person as she is on Pics (which I don't  think she can even take a BAD pic).... THANK YOU  GF :0)

Joni, Lisa and April.. You ALL inspire me and continue to challenge Me.. THANK YOU from the bottom of my Heart... 

Last but certanily NOT least. to our Awesome and talented Team Capt. Margie Cortina.. Thank you for your endless hard work, Gorgeous Sketches and for letting things run smoothly with little to No bumps along the way.. SOOOOOO   Today as we say good my to our Time as DT. Margie we 

I CASED Margie's card from last Friday Spy Day challenge.. You know I just love seeing bright colors and this one just Blew me away.. Love the green and Pink...
For my card I used I used the Miss Anya garland. I just love this image from the Miss Anya Garland set. I think she is just soo sweet. I used some Scrap paper that I have.. White card stock and Ribbon is from PTI..
Here is a close up of my card.. Yes she is colored with Prisma Pencils and OMS.

and of course I had to do some thing for the inside of my card.. I used another Gorgeous stamp and Sentiment from Unity Stamp Co.. I am Soo IN LOVE with all their stamps.. and Yes they are becoming my new "addiction".. :0)

Please make sure you head over to the Farm Fresh Blog for ALL the information for this week's Farm Fresh Spy Day.. And Thank you to all who have followed me and  encourage me on this awesome journey. I hope you continue to encourage me as I learn and grow in my Craft.

Happy Crafting,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hungry Game, a Winner and a Surprise

Hello everyone.. I have another Great Saturated Canary Image that I wanted to share with you as well as the Winner of "LaLa" digi.. Now I had mention that I have read ALL 3 of the Hunger Game book series, and this weekend had a Great time at the Movie watching the Hunger Game..  ( Did I mention that it was a Great Movie!!)..  I was soo over joyed when I saw that Krista from S.C had drawn an image "GameTime".. She looks just like "Katniss Everdeen.
 She was a part of the New release along with all of the other images that was "showcased" in the Blog Hop.. and I have to say THANK YOU.. to ALL of you that stopped by and left me such wonderful comments.. They are ALL appreciated..

Fro my card I wanted to set a Little Scene.. So I started with some DP from My Mined's Eye "All Spice". this is a Gorgeous 6x6 paper pack..I also used some Kraft card stock, some scrap paper (for my grass) the little fence is "paper doily" from Basic Gray "life of the Party".. Embellishments (apple tree and little honey bee) is from Jolee's Boutique " the Forrest is a part of Katniss and where a lot of her "good memory's are..It's also the place where she can Hunt for food to trade in the village and to feed her family...
I colored her up with my Prisma and OMS.. I wanted to "fussy cut" her a little more, as I am not CRAZY about ALL the white background, But she had soo many little details..I was not going to try too much "fussy cute with her (Plus I Know that I am NOT that good at it. hehehe.. Used some pop dots to make her pop off the card.. You can see she is ready to make her move across the Fence and in the the green grass.

Here is a close up of her.. 

Know for the inside of my card.. The sentiment is the same as what is stamped on the Front.. but it was not as clear and crisp as I wanted soo I stamped it again on the inside.. Stamp and Sentiment is from my "Stamp of the Week by Unity Stamp Co... I just Love getting a new stamp every week for under $6.00. And when I saw this week's stamp with this Gorgeous little Bird and Sentiment I thought it would be Perfect!!!!!!. ( in the realm of the "mocking Jay"

Now for the Winner.. I went with (sorry I don't have the little window)
JOVAN, Cards By Jovan... You won the LaLa digi.. Please make sure to contact Krista Smith of Saturated Canary at

 Jovan is NOT the only winner Today.. I just left Krista's Blog and I found a Wonderful and Blessed Surprise over there.. (Trust Me YOU will want to check it out.. NOW please READ the info prior to the "surprise". ;) ;)......And leave Krista some Love for the Talent that is HER ....and for wanting to share some of that talent with us.

Happy Scrapping,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Any Thing Goes with Monday Fun day #26

Hi Everyone.. I am soo excited about today's Monday Fun day challenge with the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog. I am also a lot sat, as today is the begining of my Last week as a DT member for the Farm Fresh Challenge team.. But I will leave those tears for later.. Because I thing we have Truly saved the Best for last with our challenges... as today's challenge is some of my ALL time favorite.
I have been saving my project just for this day. I have quite a lot to show so lets get stated:
 My youngest brother and his wife welcomed our Newest member of the family 2 weeks ago. So of course we had to have a Shower to welcome our new "Baby Boy", and so back in November/December I told her that my gift would be to help out with the Baby Shower  and to make the Shower Invitation's and some of the decorations. ( I knew it was putting a Lot on me, But I was More than up to the challenge.. :0)..
Once I saw the "Build a Onesie -Boy "clear stamp from The Greeting Farm, I knew that it would be just Perfect. Know usually I do love to color, But because this was a Big order.. I decided that I would "paper piece" the stamp. If you follow my Blog you might remember I had made my SIL a Baby card with a different image a couple months ago with some Beautiful Scrap booking pack from "Yellow Bicycle" and DCWV.. So I used the entire paper pack to coordinate everything together.
I used almost all of the images from the Stamp Set. I also paper pieced and cut out the different little characters on the front of the onesie too.  I cut out blue card stock with my scallop Nesti. The Green Card stock was "embossed" with Suzzix embossing folder. I added some Ribbon and buttons and some cute little embellishments  from Jolies' Boutique. And stamped "Its a Boy" with my Memento Tuxedo Black Ink.
 Here is a Shot of the first Batch I had finished.. I did a total of 20.
 Found These cute little treat bags from Michael's they were around $3.50 per bag(16 each) I bought 2 with 2 40% coupon. So I saved their.. and I stamped the Onesie and Sentiment directly on to the bag as Is.. Custom Made Treat Bags. Everyone just Loved them..
 Of course we had to have something to put in to the Bags.

 Some more of my Decoration and party favors.
I made my Own Prom Prom. I remember making them when I was a Kid.. I will be making them for my Party's from Now On..
WOW!! Thank you for making it ALL the way to the End.. I just had soo much Fun making this and to have soo many tell me that they Loved "Every Thing about the Decoration and Theme of the Baby Shower.. My Brother and His wife where beyond Happy, and it was Wonderful just having  our  having the Family together.
Could Not leave you with out a Pic of the Happy Couple.. 

Now Please Head over to the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog for all the Details..for this week's challenge.. 

Happy Crafting,

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scraps of Color and Cards

Good Morning Everyone..I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. We are looking at a cold and rainy So. California day today. It's early and I am at work right Now, But that does not mean that I can't get a little "posting done". hehehe shhhhh!!!.. A few weeks ago they was a DT call for Scraps Of Color..and I have been such a Huge Fan and follower of the this  site that I thought that I would love to be apart of this team of Gorgeous and talented Ladies. You can only imagine how  beyond HAPPY I was when  I got the email saying that I had been chosen as one of the Newest DT member.
Today is my first post as a member of the DT. I have 2 cards that I shared on the SOC blog. 
I have two cards showing some of my Gorgeous Stamp from Unity Stamp Co..The fist one is an Image from their "Stamp of the Week" which I belong too..Every week I get a Gorgeous New stamp image from Unity, and I can tell you each week I am just Blown away with yet another Beautiful Image from Angela Magnuson and her talented team over at Unity.. This one is "You got heat".. You get the image and Sentiment. And trust me when I say that the price is unbelievable. Look at this sweet Bunny's Face..I just think he is the cutest little thing.. I stamped him on White card stock with my Memento Tuxedo Black ink and then colored him with my Prisma and OMS..  My gorgeous DP is from My Mind Eye.. Added some Ribbon and to finish off added some Pearls and my White gel Pen for a little outside boarder.
Here is a close up of my Bunny.. He is looking for some one to hold him and Love on him. Once I colored him I cut him out with my Circle Nesti and cuttle bug.
Here is the Inside of my card.. Again just using some of my  scraps from the same DP. and then stamped the sentiment again.
Here is my second card.. I made this card for a co-worker who just found out that she is expecting her 3rd child. I just LOVE this image. I know that when I was expecting all 4 of my kids, One of the most exciting part was waiting to get our First "Ultra Sound".. so when I saw this Image I thought; how perfect..especially with the little hearts.. I made this card a CAS. I stared with my Kraft card stock and stamped my image directly on the card stock.. I then stamped it again on a separate card stock and then cut it out and popped it up with some pop dots. Again the sentiment came along with the image. I stamped that on some cram card stock in red ink to play against the red heart, ( colored those with my Sakura red gel pen). and to finish off I added some twine, a button and some faux stitching around the base with my white gel pen.
Here is a close up of my image which I popped up with my pop dots.

Happy Scrapping,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Sketch #9

Happy Saturday Everyone.. I wanted to Show you our Newest Saturday Sketch# for the FF Split Coast Stamper Challenge. I am doing a little Late Night crafting and Posting because I was gone for most of the day..  
I have been waiting and counting down to the Hunger Game and today was my day to see it.. And I had the best time ever.. The movie was Amazing, I read all 3 books before I went to see it and I was NOT disappointed.. It was a great day in all getting to spend some quality time with both my Mom and my Sweet oldest child my DD and my Oldest Nest. Had a great "girls day out"
Don't you just love this "Sketch".. I was blown away when I first saw it.. But it did Not scare me, I was up to the challenge, and I think I came out with something "pretty good"
for my card I used the Newest March release "Sitting Cute".  I just Loved this Set, Anya is soo adorable with her "ponytail".. I just Love that we get soo much with this set too. Not only her Couch but this cute "cushion" and sentiment..  I used My Minds Eye "Bling of an Eye" this is a Great 6x6 pack. I paper pieced her cushion and her shirt. I colored her with my Prisma and OMS... Ribbon, flowers and pearls are from Michael's. Sentiment is stamped with "Rich Cocoa" Memento Ink.

Here is a close up of hte Inside of my card.. I just loving adding sentiment or something fun to the inside of my cards Now.

We would Love for you all to play along.. You can find all the information about our challenges and how to upload your card to our gallery over at our SCS Forum  

Happy Scrapping, 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hopping with Saturated Canary

Hi everyone Happy Thursday and Welcome to the Saturated Canary Blog Hop.. As you may  have seen her in some of the "Sneak Peek"... I got LALA is my image.
I Asked Krista for an Afro-image.. and she did NOT disappoint with my Sweet Lala..  Is she just NOT gorgeous.. I just love her Afro.. I was a little too young for when it was the Hot Hair style of the day.. But soo many woman of color are going back to their Natural Hair.. I think she is just Fabulous.
 I used some more Paper from "My Mind Eye"...Vanity Fair.. I thought that the paper looked very Retro and so went well with her Retro 70's look. ( please forgive my Image.. Photo Bucket has  a New PHOTO Edit  and I don't like it at ALL..
 Here is the Inside of my Card..
 Say Hello "Flat Lala"... I had originally planed on making two different card showing Lala with 2 different skin shade and Hair color. This is Lala with a little darker hair. I paper pieced her but was not happy with the outcome.. Just a few cutting mistakes on my part.. But I though she was still Gorgeous and wanted to keep her.. So I have named her Flat Lala.. and she will stay with my on my desk.. so that She can keep me inspired to create with more Saturated Canary..
And Here is a close up side by side view of both of the.. I just Love Lala and was  HAPPY to know that she came from my idea (well Krista said she had been dying to make an Afro S.C. so it worked out Great..

OK... Now who wants a Chance to WIN Lala.......>>>>>>if you do our any of the other  Gorgeous Images being release today.. Please head over the the Saturated Canary Blog for the Full list in the HOP... We will each Pick a Winner from those who stop by and Leave some LOVE for each of the ladies in the HOP ... Our Post will stay open until Sunday March 25,2011 so that give you all plenty of time to join in on the HOP... All the winners will be posted on the SC blog on Monday...  

Happy Scrapping,

A count Down with Saturated Canary

Hi everyone, Happy  Humpday.. We are half way thru our week already.. and I could Not be any Happier. I am looking forward to Friday, because it is the opening day of my Movie that I have been waiting to see.. "The HungerGame".. I finish ALL 3 books and soo know I am excited to see it on the Big Screen..

 You may realize that she is my 2nd card in two days  from S.C. and you are correct.. And Here is why Tomorrow Thursday March 21 Krista is having a Release for her New Image.. A few weeks ago She  had a sort of Contest/challenge for all her fans and follower of Saturated Canary... She wanted us to let her know what type of new image we would like for her to draw; And those who's Ideas she picked would be apart of a Blog Hop and showcase the Image that they choose.  Well I am HAPPY to say that my idea was choosen chosen as One of the Newest Saturated Canary..When I got that email.. I was so Excited and Thrilled.. But nothing compared to seeing my idea come to LIFE... THANK YOU SOO MUCH KRISTA!!!!!

As for my card and post today. I am featuring another GORGEOUS image from  The Saturated Canary.... This is Neveah (heaven spelled backwards).. and I think she is "heavenly" with her big beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair. I had the best time coloring her.. and can say that I am please with the way she turned out.. I used more of my super yummy and fun paper from "My Mind Eye"- Happier I found a great Sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketch to use.. 

Here is a close up of Nevaeh. I wanted to give her a little Red hair with my Prisma and OMS..I am loving the Peach and Orange colors so I went with those colors for her dress and added a Bright Red belt with "glitter" and Red shoes to match.. Finished off my card with some Ribbon I had from my stash and some Pearls..      
Here is Inside of my card.. I used the Same Sentiment on the out side as I did on the inside except that I only stamped the first line of "Happy Day" and stamped the whole sentiment for the inside and added some scrap paper that I punch with my EK Success Punch.

Now for the Fun Part; Please make sure you Stop By tomorrow around 3:00 pm PST as that is when we kick off our Customer HOP.. Everyone will pick One winner who leaves a comment from their Blog to win that Digi.. Soo make sure you leave a little Love on every one's blog especially if  you see an image that you really LOVE..which I am sure will be ALL of them.. 

Craft room Challenge-Glitter and Sparkle
Scrapbook Sisters- Anything Goes

Happy Scrapping,