Monday, January 4, 2010

Broke my Goal already???

ok, it was Jan 1st that I said that I would post something everyday.. here it is Jan 5th and it is the first post I have done since.. (again just a procrastinator!!!) that should have been the name of my BLOG.. LOL to my self.. But anywaysssss.. I won't give up on my self.. (that is my second goal) notice I am not saying resolution or any other crap like that... I don't  believe in New Years resolution I just want to believe in Sharette and all that she is and can be.... so tonight I am sitting working on one of my images that I just bought (digi images) and I do plan on posting a card not just typing and babbling on and on ( I decide that I wont waste time trying to correct my words to make them sound all important and what not (except for spell check) what every comes from my head to heart to keyboard is what I am expressing and is what I am going to share.. ( I may be the only person reading these FOR NOW!!!!!! until Tomorrow

Rette Rette

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Aren't blogs great!! Don't be too hard on yourself--I took a year vacation from my blog. :)
