Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black & White Challenge

Hi everyone I hope that your week is going good so far... I am having a "great" day!! I wanted to share a quick post with you all. I know that you have seen many of the "black & white" challenges, cards, and projects out there. I love seeing how you all color these images and how you use your color mediums to make them pop..I have been soo scared of trying to do it. I thought that it would only come out good using markers and since I have just my prisma I was not sure of the out come I would get with them..
So when the challenge over at the Wild Flower Patch theme was a "black & and" white challenge I contemplated all week long on weather I wanted to try.. So after thinking and thinking about it I said "just go for it"

For my Image I choose WF Alice I have always loved this image and thought she would be a little easier to color. Great thing with my prisma 120 pack is that it has soo many different colors in it's grays with "warm & cool shades so when I got started it was great to use different grays to get my shadings. Now that I did my first B & W it tells me that I can do it again :0) I hope you like it

Image (WFP) colored with Prisma and OMS, DP: K & Co., flower (made my me :0), sentiment: PTI and Memento black ink, ribbon (Michael's)

WFCW-#29 Black & White
Oh' Alice-Chap. 28


Monday, August 30, 2010

A Little C.C. Gift

Hi everyone just a quick post.. I said before that my youngest one is entering Kindergarten as of next Tuesday, I saw this Cute little gift holder/ door hanger and I just had to try and make it. It is the perfect little gift for her first day of school. I have it filled with a box of crayons, pencil and scissors, these where in a back pack that she got when she left pre-school
My Image is the back to school image from C.C. Design and I sat her on a stack of books which was a freebie from Create with TLC.  Hope You enjoy :0)

Card stock: Bazzill, DP :TPC (school day), apple (Cricut Doodlcharm)

Little Red Wagon-#43 Back to School
Fussy & Fancy Friday- #18 Back to School Projects


Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Little Odd Sunday

Hi everyone I am enjoying our Cool weather today after a week of a not so nice "heat wave", my daughter actually said she was cold this morning..I am just glad to be done with the heat!!!
My card is form Some Odd Girls, I have done several other cards with these ultra cute little stamps and I have just fallen in love with them. This weeks challenge is a sketch challenge and so I wanted to join in.
My image is Dancin Mae I colored her with my prisma and OMS and added a little bling with my Sakura. I made my flower with my cricut ( I have really gotten in to making flowers. :0)
I also cut out the boarders. and ran the card stock thru my cuttlebug.

Craftalicious Challenges- #7 Purple and Green
Some Odd Girl- #6 Sketch

Hope u enjoy the rest of your Sunday


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Holiday with the Cricut

Hi Everyone; we are back to a beautiful 80* day today and trust me when I say this is a normal day for us.. As I am sitting here I can even feel a nice breeze coming thru the front door, so we can really enjoy our Saturday. Robyn of  The Pink Stamper is having a challenge on her blog this week with making a Winter card with our Cricut. I used two of my Cart to make this super cute little snowman and christmas tree. 

For the snowman I used "Doodle Charm" this cart did not included the hat or scarf, So for those I used "Stretch your Imagination" I also got the christmas tree from that card. (it's too cute.. I love this cart because it has "layering" feature so I cut the christmas tree with red card stock and cute the layers with green. to decorate I used stickles to add a little "Bling".

While I am showing off my Cricut I wanted to add this other card that I made. When I made this card I didn't know just what or whom I would use it, but as the card was coming together I remembered that my Sister's Birthday is in a few days. so then I knew that it would be a Birthday card for her.. I hope u like it
Cart: Forever Young, I cut the dress at 3 1/2 inches DP: K & Co. paper mat , Card stock :PTI, Mat, & Shoes (K & Co., sentiment (PTI & Memento Ink

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Expresso Thanks

Just a quick post.. this is my first C.C. Designs stamp (yes it is a digi :0) I purchased her from " All that Scraps" I have been looking at all the wonderful projects created with these sweet little stamps so I wanted to try them out..that's the beauty of digi. you can spend a little to create a LOT. :0)

I made this card very simple and I wanted to use it in a couple of challenges.

Image: C.C. Designs (Coffee) colored with Prisma and OMS and Sakura Gell Pen, DP (Micheal's), Bazzell (swiss dot), Sentiment: Lindsey Day stamp, Bling (Jolee's), white gell pen

7 Kids College Fund- #2 Strip it Down
CPS - Sketch #181


Girls just wanna have fun

Hi everyone; coming to you from a very HOT & Humid So. California and now we R expecting Thunder storms. According the weather man today should be the last of the heat wave and then we will be back to our normal 90*.

My card is for this week's challenge over at SassyStudioDesigns and the theme for this week's was to make a card that showed a favorite songs of ours.. I have this cute rocker chick named "Rockin-Roxie" and I thought that she would be the perfect image for my card.. She is singing "Girls Just wanna have Fun". I was able to use some of my scrap papers (which is always nice :0)... of course I colored with Prisma and OMS for the flowers I used my cricut and added some pearls. I hope u like her.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A little Monkey Business

This card is my entry for this week's challenge for Delightful Inspiration. I just love this little monkey,, I have wanted to do a cute little monkey for some times.. especially when I saw these cut DP that I got from Michael's. ( I got them when they where on sale @ 5 for $1.00) As you must know by now every week that u participate in the previous week's challenge you get a new image and a new image.

Along with Design2Delight we know have a challenge blog called Double  Delight and this week's challenge was to use "Ribbons, Strings or Twins". I hope u like my card :0)

Card Stock: Kraft, DP: Recollections (Monkeying Around), Twine, buttons, sentiment: Inked with Memento Black.


When Life gives you lemons!

Hi everyone; I hope that your week is going great so far, we are going thru a "heat wave" in my part of the state.. I believe it's going to reach 107* HOT!! and as I stated before our A/C is on it's last leg so I don't know how it's going to hold up today, but so for it's blowing just enough that it's not too bad.. lol

I think that my card is just what is needed for the weather right now.  The Corrosive Challenge blog is hosting a theme this week called "Drinks on Us" we R to make a card with any kind of drinks Hot or Col.d and so I wanted to use this supper cute stamp from Whimise Doodles. I think that the sentiment says it all :0)

I also used this sketch from Mercy's Tuesday  sketch challenge .

Image and sentiment: (Whimsie Doodles),  colored with prisma and OMS, I used my sakura gell pen around the rim and added some stickles to give it a little "salt" look. Card stock: Bazzill, DP: K & Co. Ribbon: PTI


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Little Girl In Kimino

Many of us follow Mo's digital blog and all her wonderful images. Well she also has a Face book page, where she shears a lot of her day to day activities, occasionally a freebie, and as of this week she is hosting her very first "Sketch" challenge.
for my card I choose "littlegirlnkimino" I have had her for a while but had not colored her, she is also for this week's challenge over at DP2 challenge blog where the theme this week is  #"45 Thank Heaven for little girls"

I have to mention my DP it is from a complete set of  12 x 12 paper pack form K & Co. it was part of a set that I won from a DT member of  "The Pink Stamper" it was such a sweet set that included a stamp set and ribbons.

P.S. did u see my flowers that I made..I used some of the same DP and added some glimmer mist (which I also made my self  :0) and some stickles to add a little bling!!


Hi everyone I hope ur day was better than mine.. We had temps in the 100's and our "air conditioning unit decided that it had to much of the heat too and went out on us."ugggggggg!!!  it was too much to bear, we plugged in a few fan but all that gave us was "hot air" All I can say is that I hope that we can get it fixed with out too much expense for us because we just don't have any extra in our budget for that at this moment.

I colored several images last night and as much as I tried to get some cards done today I just could not do much of any thing.. and even now at this time of night we have our front door open trying to cool down. I did manage to finish two cards and this is my first.. This Sweet little girl is a freebie from Michelle Perkett for members of her group over at CDAC..  This is my first image that I have colored and made into a card for Michele Perkett. I have done several back to school card but hey I guess you can always do some more,
What I really wanted to show was my flower. I watched a couple of videos showing how to make "grunge flowers and roses with the "Tim Holtz" 6 petal die cut.. Well some talented ladies showed how they made the same flowers with their cricut machine. I was so excited to try and so I did. I had to practiced on a couple of different styles and for the most part they came out pretty good. I will post the pictures of my first one a little later.
Card stock: PTI, D P: Creative Imaginations & Ribbon (Michael's), sentiment (studio "g") 

Michelle Perkett -#41 Anything goes


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Two N One

Card Stock: Bazzill, DP: We R Memory, Ribbon: (Michael's),Sentiment: studio "g: and Memento Black
 Wrapping paper, Image (Stamping Boutique),Ribbon (Michael's), Charm (Making memories
OK.. I said that I was coming back with a few more card.. Well I'm "back".. I wanted to complete a few more card for the Latte Lounge Digi Day Challenge and I just finished these 2 and wanted to share them.
Stamping Boutique-Monthly Challenge

Have a great Night

A Little Harvest

Hi everyone I wanted to share my card for this weeks challenge at Design2Delight. As I stated before this is a monthly challenge and for ever week that u complete the previous week's challenge you get a free digi for the following week.. Now even if you miss the week before you can purchase the image at her store and  then be eligible to receive the free image for the next week. This week she is showing us the beautiful Harvest Image.

I colored the pumpkin with my prisma and Oms.. the Card stock is Bazzill and the DP is from K & Co., I received this die cut from a paper pack from Stampin Up that I purchased from Ebay. and the sentiment was written with my white uni-Ball signo gel pen. ( I want to continue practicing my handwriting to use on my cards.  Any way I hope u like it..
Double Delight-  # 7 Clean and simple

I should be back with a nother card or two soon :0)

A Latte Birthday

Hi everyone.. yes it's really late, but I can't not sleep.. the heat is so bad that I took a "long nap" late this evening, and now my sleep is on a different schedule.. Oh well what better time to make a card.
This is a card from the Stamping Boutique. it was a freebie given to everyone that  participated in their Digi Day this past Saturday, The awesome DT put together for us and this card is for the first challenge which is a " Birthday Challenge using Princess Jennifer Latte relaxing on her chase lounge while she celebrates her birthday with some cake and a little latte :0)

Recipe: Bazzill Cord nation (if I spelled that correctly), DP K & Co. Ribbon,(Michael's) Flower, and boarder cut with Cricut (Home Decor) Large circle scallop: nesti and small Circle Nesti for card base

The Stamping Boutique-Monthly Challenge August
The Latte Lounge-Birthday Challenge


Monday, August 16, 2010

Turtley Awesom

This Challenges is for a Cricut Card with Robyn over at The Pink Stamper. As you can see on my side board that I am  A HUGE FAN of Robyn I just love her videos and projects with the cricut. She is hosting a challenge over at her blog with Critters or Animals.
For my card I used the Stretch Your Imagination and made this Turtley Awesome little turtle. I made her at 3 Inches cut out with Bazzill card stock, for the shell I used the Bazzill swiss dot in green to give it a little dimension. The card DP is from Stamping UP, Punch is EK Success "treading water". But I think what really makes my card stand out is the sentiment. I just love it.... The image is from Paulette over at Create with TLC. I said it before I think she has a sentiment for just about any image that u may have in your collection.


Matroyshka doll challenge

Happy Monday, I hope we R having a good start to our week.. I had a great restful night, woke up feeling very refresh. I was up late last night and I completed two more cards, but by the time I was finish I was too tired to post them,

I have been really coloring a lot of images from the Stamping Boutique. and today I have another one, the group is sponsoring a "Monthly Challenge" over at PCP. It started with a freebie and for every week we complete that week's challenge we receive another freebie and so on until we should collect a total of 4 freebies :-)
 Image : Stamping Boutique colored with Prisma and OMS, Card Stock: Kraft (PTI), DP: scrap I got it from Michael's about a year ago, Ribbon: Stamping Up,Charm: W R Memory, Punch: Martha Stewart

Stamping Boutique PCP-Matroyshka doll challenge
Dare U to Digi- #44Blossom & Scraps
Stamping Boutique-Monthly Challenge


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Schoo Day

OK I have another card to post. and yes it is another School Day challenge. I just stumbled across the Cutting  Cafe.. And that is where I purchased this "super cute" Pencil card template. if you all have not been there to see and visit with all of designs that Regina has to offer I say that it is a "MUST SEE".

For my Image I used the "back pack" digi from The Stamping Boutique I thought it was soo cute and it  says a lot and can be used for soo many different projects. For my pencil card I made an eraser by cutting a second layer on pink card stock taped it on the base of the card stock and used my rounder punch for the corner. I think it came out pretty good.  The apple was cut with my small EK success punch, the little book was cut out with my cricut.

Card stock: Bazzill swiss dot, & PTI, DP: TLP :(Michael;s), circle plan & scallop nesti, stamp: PTI, ink: Memento ink: Rich Cocoa



Some Odd Girl

This is my First card it is for Piali's Challenge# 2 which was a Recipe: Shape card, Ribbon , buttons and tag.

My second card is for Challenge #1 which is "Rainbow"


Hi everyone I hope u R enjoying ur Sunday,  Today's temp is 103* but we are trying to make the best of it.  I have the Kids inside today because it is just too hot to be out side, and I have to say that every one is trying to do their best to stay busy, so it's pretty quite "for now ;-)

Yesterday was digi day over at Some Odd Girls over at SNR and I have collected a few of their stamps ( I just think they are the cutest!!! .. but have not colored them or enter in any challenge so I was excited about entering in a coupe of challenges. Yesterday in a chat some one made the point that it takes them at least a day to complete a card".. And I was so blown away by that; because I thought that I was the only one that felt that way,, but when I responded and 3 and 4 more responded I felt in such good company.. I am always to hardest judge to my self.. So I just want to put this thought out there
How do you prepare your self before you get ready to make ? (example.. how do you know what type of embellishment or decoration that you will use?

Image :SOG (bookworm Tia) colored with Prisma pencils and OMS, Card stock (Kraft : PTI DP: TPC Studio (School Days), apple :  ek success, ribbon: Michael's, tag cut with: cricut, white gel pen

Image: SOG ( Mer-Mae) colored with Prisma and OMS, I used my Sakura gell pen to color fins & scales, DP: We R Memory (Write Out), Nesti Oval scallop and ran thur cuttlebug, paper flowers (Michale's dollar bin) Tim Holtz, Distress Ink (broken china)

Have a geat day,