Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black & White Challenge

Hi everyone I hope that your week is going good so far... I am having a "great" day!! I wanted to share a quick post with you all. I know that you have seen many of the "black & white" challenges, cards, and projects out there. I love seeing how you all color these images and how you use your color mediums to make them pop..I have been soo scared of trying to do it. I thought that it would only come out good using markers and since I have just my prisma I was not sure of the out come I would get with them..
So when the challenge over at the Wild Flower Patch theme was a "black & and" white challenge I contemplated all week long on weather I wanted to try.. So after thinking and thinking about it I said "just go for it"

For my Image I choose WF Alice I have always loved this image and thought she would be a little easier to color. Great thing with my prisma 120 pack is that it has soo many different colors in it's grays with "warm & cool shades so when I got started it was great to use different grays to get my shadings. Now that I did my first B & W it tells me that I can do it again :0) I hope you like it

Image (WFP) colored with Prisma and OMS, DP: K & Co., flower (made my me :0), sentiment: PTI and Memento black ink, ribbon (Michael's)

WFCW-#29 Black & White
Oh' Alice-Chap. 28


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