Saturday, September 25, 2010

A scrap book and a Challenge

Here is my project for the 1st Challenge that Robyn is hosting for her 5 Million Hit on her Blog. Of course we all snapped away pictures of our "little ones" on their first day of school and my purpose was to do a scrap book page of Lynette & Jordan. This is their first time being at school together and it is Wonderful. Their school is a "closed campus" school , which means that we the parents are not allowed on the school grounds during school hours with out permission.. So every morning I take them as far as the gate of the Kindergarten entrance, and from their Big brother takes Little sister's hand and walks her in to her class room. I stand at the gate and watch as he whispers something to her :0) I don't ask what he says to her because I figure that is between the booth of them.. But just seeing the pride on his face, lets me know that he is giving her one last assurance that she will be ok and to make sure that she has a good day..

 This is a great challenge becuase its a "Any thing Goes Challenge". My scrapbook page is a 8x8 page, which my daughter bought for me from her summer camp job this summer. I  am soo intimidated by the 12x12 sheets, because their is soo much space that you need to cover. So when I got this album I thought that it was just perfect for me, since I am still learning my way around scrapbooks.

I hope you like it!!! ;0)


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