Thursday, July 28, 2011

A New Challenge and Journey for "My Self"

This is my Journal cover. I used some card board from a packing from one of my 12 x 12 pack, cut it down and decorated with some "distressed ink and some stickers. It says " Explore and Enjoy the Journey" 
 Hi everyone. Today I want to take a little time out from my "normal" day to day challenge post to share a little something New for me. We have all seen that the newest and latest craze right now is "Mix Media or some might call in "Art Journaling. I have seen quite a few of these and of course thought that "there is No way I can do this and I "wish" I could and so on and so on with the "self doubt". That is basically how I live my life.. Want so bad to try something New. But always afraid to take that first step. And I know that I have limit my self from soo Much with this behavior. Because the TRUTH is once I take that leap I often find that I can do just about any thing I set my mind to and I am the one holding my self back.
So this brings me to my "Art Journal". Marie and Jess over at The Greeting Farm as started an Amazing 23 weeks project. Were are are challenge to participate in a class type setting where we get a weekly assignment of a project layout for us to use in our Art Journal. We don't have to over think any thing on this; it is mainly for us to open up our "creative buttons" and inspire our self to think outside the box.

It took me a week to make up my mind  or to actually send the email saying I wanted to sign up for the class. And even after I did I thought I won't be as good as everyone else and I can't create and so on and so on. That is until Yesterday when I knew that our 1st assignment was going to be due today. For our 1st week we are to create something or anything with "Wings". I did not even have a good "Art Journal" was my first excuse as to why it would not work for me).. Even though I had bought this little spiral note book from Michael's for a $1.00 last week.  I knew that I wanted to challenge my self to "challenge my self so I just sat down, pulled out some "distress ink, card stock, and come "chalk ink" with a couple stamps that I had But never use and before I knew it, my little 2 page layout was coming together. :0) and it was soo much FUN. I just thru Ink on my page and how ever it came out that was my "creation".
So Now that I know I can do it I feel like I am well on my way. This process is for NO other challenge than my weekly assignment as I get them from TGF. I will not "Edit" my pictures in any way shape or form. hehehe So what you see is just as I have created it, and I know that in a few weeks I will look back on this first layout and be excited just to see how far I have come and hopefully along the way I will help me with being able to take those "Leap of Faith" that we call LIFE and just to live and GO FOR IT..

I know a lot of this blogging will be "Me" just talking to me and even though it will be put in to words for others to read this Journey will be "MY Journey.

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