Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday Fun-day#9 X Three

 Hello everyone.. I hope that for those of you who do celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday that it was a very blessed one and that you where surrounding with family and "love ones".. We had a great Thanksgiving. despite the fact that we woke up to.. No Internet and no land lines.. So we could not reach out to friends or family either by the phone or the computer... It was a "Major outage that effected over 500 customers:0(... But finally at about 2:00 pm "today" I looked over and saw that "all the lights where solid and green on our "Uversive" box and when I checked the phone.. Yeahh we had a dial tone.. So even after Thanks given we are still given thanks for our continued "blessings"

OK!! enough about that.. I was soo excited that the Internet did come back up. Because I was able to post my card and theme for this week's challenge over at the "Farm Fresh Challenge" . Our theme this week is
3 of Anything... We want to see three of the same items on your card like,, 3 DP, 3 Ribbons, 3 Die Cut.. Anything that you choose.

Here is my card.. As you can see I used "Beanie Anya".. I just love her in her little "beanie and scarf".. and she is just perfect for "paper piecing"... for my 3 I choose 3 DP from my "Echo Park- Holly Jolly" 6x6 paper pack. I am trying to get my "Holiday cards" started and out of the way.. 
I colored her all up with my Prisma and OMS.. and added lost of stickle to her scarf and boots.
So now we would love for you all to play along,, remember you will have one week to get your "project" in. You can link it directly on the "blog page post" using "Mr. linky"... Or you can link it in the GF gallery or on Split Coast Stampers..Just head on over to the "FFC" for all the details.

Card stock: PTI
Image: Beanie Anya TGF
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black 
DP: Echo Park' Holly Jolly Christmas
Die cut: Neti Oval
Ribbon: Martha Stewart
Embellishment: liquid pearl(red) Glitter for her scarf and shoes,and snowflake

Paper Sundaes- Winter Wonderland
Stamptacular Sunday- Anything Christmas
2 Sisters- Holiday

Happy Scrapping,

Monday, November 21, 2011

A little late Monday Fun Day #8

Hello everyone.. I am going to make this a "really" quick post. (I am at work right NOW so can not be on the computer for too long..
I was soo bumbed out last night when I got home from work.. We just got our "Internet" back up and running. And I don't know if it was because of  the rain we had all day yesterday (Sunday) but both our Internet and our "land line" was in and out "ALL DAY' yesterday ( I mean ALL day) so I was not able to upload my card for this week's Monday Fun day challenge over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog.

This week we have a simple but really cute sketch from our talented team capt. Margie.

I used my very cute little "Dee Dee" from the Wild Sprout collection. Soo Please head over to the Blog for all the details and information for this week's challenge.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Farm Fresh Spy Day #7 Le

 Hi there.. Wow I have been with out Internet for 2 weeks.. and it was the longest 2 weeks ever.. But today is a "Happy" day because I came home from work to find out that we are UP and Running.. So glad to be back with you all. I was able to post my last two post at my job.. But my computer is so slow and soo outdated that was just such a headache. ..
OK.. But enough about me I want. Here we are back with another "Fabulous" Friday Spy day over at the Farm Fresh Challenge. and this week are are "Spying" the super talented " Mercy Kerin
Mercy has left her "card making" days behind to focus on whats important to her.. But she sure did leave her "Mark".. It was thru her awesome sale that I was able to purchase "Creeper Friday".. and along with W.S. Sassy Suzi.. Friday was another image. on the top of my "wish list". I was so overjoyed at the chance of owning her...
Now as always it's your turn. We would love for you to play along with this week's challenge.. You can case the layout of the card, or you can just use the color combo.. Any thing you like, so hop on over to the FFC blog for all the details

Card Stock: PTI
DP: My Minds Eye????
Image: Creeper Friday
Embellishments: Ribbon, Bling, Flower ( Stampin up flower punch), Bling basic Gray and Pop dots
Medium: Prisma and OMS

Happy Scrapping,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

FFC Monday Fun day has gone Twilight

Happy Monday Everyone.. Time just keeps on going and going does it Not!!!... Well I am back for another great Monday Fun-day challenge with the Farm Fresh challenge Blog..

I know that soo many of you are counting down the days this week not only for all the "holiday shopping and Turkey day prep that we will all be indulging in.. But because it's the week for the newest release of "Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1"
Well if you are any thing like our super talented and true dye hard "Twilight Fan" such as our Team Capt. Margie then you are waiting "not soo patiently for it's premiere" hehehe. I have seen all of the movies (when they make their way to DVD.. but I have enjoyed them.LOL.. So that brings us to our challenge this week which is a great color challenge with a Twilight Feel..
Red, Black, Silver/White..
and we want to see a Twilight theme or feel to your card or layout.
You don't have to use any specific images ( other than a GF image of course... but just pull out our Team Edward or Team Jacob.. or maybe just a fun take on the color combo and lets see what you come up with.

I love this color combo,, so I was really excited to come up with a project and layout for my card. I used an Image from the "Miss Anya Collection" and one from "My Guy Ian".. This was my very first time at an attempt to "Mask" my images and I must say I really liked it.. I can see where I can improve. But for a first timer I think it came out pretty good.???

Card Stock: PTI
Images: The Greeting Farm stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink
DP: Basic Gray June Bug
Embellishments: Stars( Christmas goodies from Michaels, white gell pen, my label maker and pop dots
Medium: Prisma and OMS

Now it's your turn to play along.. You will have all week to enter. Please make sure to stop by the FFC blog
for all the details.

Allsorts- Black white, and one other color (red)
Basic Gray- Mix and Match

Happy Scrapping,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Farm Fresh Spy Day #6

Hello everyone.. Well we have come to another end of our work week and for those of you who are lucky it's the start of what is sure to be a great 3 day weekend. Even though I have to work I at least get to sleep in late because my kids don't have school.
Now if it does not get any better than that  I am back with my card for our 6th Farm Fresh Friday "Spy Day" over at the FFC blog. and what a "awesome" card that our 'lovely' Margie Spyed in our own TGF gallery..

For my card I used the cute little "sleigh" from the "Clear Christmas" set.   Please let me say before I go any further. My picture quality is "NOT" my best. We don't have "Internet" in our house at the moment. Well not until Tuesday ( I really don't know If I can wait that long :(... So I have been trying to up load when I can at "work"(shhhhh But  the computer here is really old and slow and it does not have any software for uploading and editing my photo's.

So any ways  We would love for you all to play along with us, remember you do have "one week" to up load your card to the linky at the bottom of the post or you can upload to the GF gallery or SCS using the "keyword" TGFFF06

>>>>> and don't forget about our  First-EVER TGF "Customer Challenge and Chit-Chat" night! Our first night will be a MOVIE THEME event so pop some popcorn, grab your favorite candy, and join us for LIVE chatter, trivia, and a challenge.
Card Stock: PTI
DP: Echo Park "season greetings"
Stamp set: Clear Christmas TGF stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink
Embellishments: EKSuccess, liquid pearl, and stickles and lots of pop dots
Medium: Prisma and OMS

Happy Crafting,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Retro-Fresh#2 with Blue and Berry (pink)

 Hi everyone we are back at the Farm Fresh challenge Blog with our 2nd Retro Fresh challenge. What an awesome turn out we had for our 1st challenge..
For my Retro Fresh image today I choose W.S. "Sassy Suzi".. I have always loved this little lady and her Gorgeous hair cut with all those layers. She really is "sassy in her cute little jacket with the "fur" all around it.. I have to confess that I never owned her when she was in the Shop over at TGF ( she has since been retired.. I think??... But what an amazing stroke of luck when I was able to purchase her from a fellow DT member who was clearing out our "Crafting" items.. When I saw her I jumped to the chance to buy her.. eekkkk!!! :0))))
I decided to make a circle card that I will use as on of my 12 "ornament cards.. ( even though I still have about 3 months to catch up with..  
We all have lots of Greeting Farm images that are  just waiting to be inked up with colored with some love. You will have "all month" long to play along. You can up load your card using the "llinky" at the end of the post of the FFC blog or either on our Gallery or our SCS Gallery

Don't forget that the DECEMBER Guest Designer contest ends 11/10, so make sure to get your entries in to Jess before the big reveal of Phase 1 on our Facebook page on Friday, 11/11!

What's more?  Please join us at 7pm CST on Friday, November 11th in our SCS Forum for our First-EVER TGF "Customer Challenge and Chit-Chat" night!  Our first night will be a MOVIE THEME event so pop some popcorn, grab your favorite candy, and join us for LIVE chatter, trivia, and a challenge with our first Customer Hostess to be revealed shortly!  :)

If you're not able to join us for the live chat no worries- we will be doing these at different times of day to include our overseas friends when we can. Challenge will be open ALL weekend, too, so there will be time for EVERYONE to play!  We'll wrap up about 10pm CST or whenever we conk out- but for now, get ready to join us for a night at the movies!

See you soon!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

No Paper on Monday Fund ay #5

 Hi there.. Happy Monday to you all.. Wow what happened to Friday.. I do not remember it.. Ohh well it is only 4 more days from now ;D.. Here to day to bring you another great challenge for our Monday Fun day over at the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog. Our theme this week is brought to you by our super talented DT member Lisa:
No Designer Paper.. Yes None!!!
I am soo excited that I also got to use my very "First Creeper" today.. Yeahhhh .. I was not sure I would be able to do a good job with her, but I think i did!! and plus I had a great time coloring up Ms. Abbey here.
If you would like to play along please head over to the blog for all the details.. remember you have One week to get your entry in soo. Lets see what you can come up with.

Card Stock: PTI
Cuddle Bug Folder
3 flower punch from Stampin up
Sentiment: Clear stamp, Bling and pop dots
Medium/tools: Prisma and OMS

Happy Scrapping,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Farm Fresh Spy Day #5

Ok we have come to the end of  another week..It's my turn to host this week's Farm Fresh Spy-day challenge over at the TGF Farm Fresh Challenge..  I love challenging my self to do new things and to think outside the box..
 So when I came across this gorgeous step card I really wanted to give it a try.. Yes I have done several version of "step card", but yet to do a "Center Step Card.

This was so much fun to do.. but if I am being "honest".. I can never get my "mountain and valley"  correctly.. hehehe,  But it finally came together and I think it's good. I could not wait for this new release..I just love "Holiday Anya"; she is just soo beautiful and elegant in her "holiday gown and gorgeous "poinsettia hair piece.
She is  festive and ready for the "holidays".. I wanted to go with the traditional  "red and green", but still added my own little twist to it..

Card stock: PI
DP: Echo Park "Holly Jolly Christmas"
Punch: Oval Nesti
Embellishment:  (Christmas tree) Recollections, Jolee's boutique and some red bling with lots of pop dots
Medium: Prisma Pencils, and OMS

So now if you would like to play along I have a link "here" for the tutorial I used for my card. If you would like to play along please make sure you head over to the FFC blog to find out all the details.

Happy Scrapping,