Thursday, November 17, 2011

Farm Fresh Spy Day #7 Le

 Hi there.. Wow I have been with out Internet for 2 weeks.. and it was the longest 2 weeks ever.. But today is a "Happy" day because I came home from work to find out that we are UP and Running.. So glad to be back with you all. I was able to post my last two post at my job.. But my computer is so slow and soo outdated that was just such a headache. ..
OK.. But enough about me I want. Here we are back with another "Fabulous" Friday Spy day over at the Farm Fresh Challenge. and this week are are "Spying" the super talented " Mercy Kerin
Mercy has left her "card making" days behind to focus on whats important to her.. But she sure did leave her "Mark".. It was thru her awesome sale that I was able to purchase "Creeper Friday".. and along with W.S. Sassy Suzi.. Friday was another image. on the top of my "wish list". I was so overjoyed at the chance of owning her...
Now as always it's your turn. We would love for you to play along with this week's challenge.. You can case the layout of the card, or you can just use the color combo.. Any thing you like, so hop on over to the FFC blog for all the details

Card Stock: PTI
DP: My Minds Eye????
Image: Creeper Friday
Embellishments: Ribbon, Bling, Flower ( Stampin up flower punch), Bling basic Gray and Pop dots
Medium: Prisma and OMS

Happy Scrapping,