Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pack light

Hello everyone, how is your Saturday, I have really been MIA from posting on my blog, But don't have any excuses as to why, more than to say that I have been busy with school starting and getting everyone back into a some what "normal" routine.
wanted to just share my latest card with you for my Monthly posting over at SOC
 I had this image from Saturated Canary "pack light' colored up a few weeks ago. I have soo many images colored but just have not taken the time to move them from page to card.
 With School starting or have started I know some of us have students going off to college, so I thought this little lady would be perfect for a going a way card. OR maybe just some one going on a "road trip".
Here is a closeup of her, you can find all the details of how I put her together over at he SOC blog

Happy Scrapping,


  1. This card is FABULOUS! I love your coloring!

  2. Too cute Sharette! I absolutely love this. Great colouring and a fantastic design :)

  3. You ROCK Sharette!! Every card you make is just AWESOME!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  4. Too cute! I love your coloring! This is the perfect card for someone going off to college. Love it!

  5. Adorable! Beautiful job on the coloring.
