Friday, September 14, 2012

I get to play in La La Land.

Hello friends, I have truly been MIA for the last week or soo. I truly have missed not getting into my crafts as I want to. But I do have a good reason, I am "home schooling" my son, and all I can say is 'Boy O Boy"  It is my very first time doing it, and is a case of  "baptism by fire".  I can really understand the frustration from both the teachers and Jordan (13yr old)."I keep asking my self, what am I doing or Not doing to make this a little less stressful for the both of us"!!  I just have to keep pushing through with him the best that I can.
Now that I have released some of that (felt good too..), on to what I really want to share with you all.

I have some >>>>>GREAT NEWS>!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>

I am a Guess Designer for La La Land Crafts, for the next 2 months.. Yeahhhhhhh" SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!
I still can't believe it... I have always been a Huge fan of La La land, LOVE LOVE Marci and Luka, I Got to meat Irina and a few of the DT girls at CHA last year.. (yes I was among all those talented ladies.  And of course to have the chance to meet Irina....Now to come full circle to this.. I can't tell you how much it means to me. (I have to say honestly that I color my images the way "I SEE IT".. and I am humble when my work is featured, or I win a challenge, OR I am asked to be a GDT. WOW..Thank you for "liking" what I see and reflecting that back in how I see it).

Ok now before I go on.. I got soo caught up in other 'stuff" that I "forgot" to post on my very first week and day of posting last Friday.. (yes head is hung in shame :0((((.......
I got a second chance and so here is my card for this week's "Friday Inspiration" where our theme is " Wish Upon a Star".. "still screaming"..  My very first card as a "guess designer". I used the cutest faerie " Daisy Faerie Marci".. I am soo in love with her... Look at her hair. just soo sweet, again you know I say it's her "face".. Just look at her face, love it.. want to shower her with kisses all day long.. hehehehe.......
I colored her with my "prisma and OMS. for her wings, I added lots of "glitter". Card stock  and ribbon is from PTI. DP is MME "Lime Twist". Stars are from a  left over scarpbook kit. Sentiment comes with the stamp. and lots of pop dots. 
Here is a close up of  her
Because I missed a week, I felt the need to create 2 cards, part to say I'm sorry and LOTS because I get to play with "Back to School Luka"... Swoon!!!!  I fell in Love with him the moment I saw him.. Love that he is holding both his back pack and his "skate board". You can find both images in the LLLC store and you can get them in either "Rubber or Digi".. I love that.. As my budget really only allows for the 'digi". which is just fine by me as I get to stretch my funds a little bit more.
my card stock is my new MME "back to school" 6x6 pad. the stars are bards. I just love them too.. both the stars and sentiments are from the same Scarp book kit as my first card. 
He is colored with my Prisma and OMS.
Now you still have all Month long to play along and upload your projects in the LLLC Gallery.. I would love for you all to come and play with me. Or just stop by and see all the other Fabulous designs by the talented DT, and don't for get to leave them some love.

Happy Scrapping,


  1. Congrats on another guest position at a company I know you love! These cards are both adorable!

  2. Your cards are simply beautiful!!
    CONGRATS on making the team!

  3. Congrats on being a guest at La La Land...that is awesome! Your cards are stunning.
